Computer Graphics Department

Yuri Bayakovski faceYuri Bayakovski joined Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics(Russian Academy of Sciences) in 1960 after receiving the M.S. degree in electrical and computer engineering with honors from [Moscow Power Engineering Institute]. He received the Ph.D degree in mathematics and computer science from Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (KIAM) in 1974.

At KIAM, Dr. Bayakovski has led projects on hardware description and modeling language, compiler construction, operating systems, DBMS, and computer graphics. Since 1977 until 2003 he is the head of computer graphics department at KIAM. He received Award of USSR Government in 1986. Since 1983 he is a part-time professor in Moscow State University. Now Yuri M. Bayakovski is an associate professor of the University, head of  MSU's Graphics & Media Lab. His current research interests are in scientific visualization, geometry modeling, virtual environments, computer science education.

Dr. Bayakovski is on the editorial board of Programmirovanie (Software Systems) journal. He has translated and edited more than 20 technical books from English and French into Russian. He served as a Program Committee Chair for several International Conferences on Computer Graphics held in Russia - [GraphiCon]. He was the organizer and moderator of a panel discussion on technical and ethical topics of virtual reality during ANIGRAPH'95 Exhibition (May 1995, Moscow) and a workshop on Virtual Reality (September 1994, Moscow). He is a member of IEEE CS, ACM, and ACM SIGGRAPH.



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