Lib-DVM - detailed design (contents) Part 1(1-7) Part 2 (8-11) Part 3 (12)
Error messages
Error messages
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document date: february, 2001 - last edited 03.05.01 -

Lib-DVM - detailed design (error messages)

12 Run-Time System error messages

12.1 Run-Time System initialization and termination

12.1.1 MPI library initialization
12.1.2 PVM library initialization
12.1.3 GNS and ROUTER libraries initialization
12.1.4 Input of system parameters Parameter descriptions by macrodefinitions, preceding to parameters input from the file Parameter input from file

12.1.5 Checking input parameters and Run-Time System tuning according the parameters
12.1.6 Run-Time System termination

12.2 Creating abstract machine representations
12.3 Processor systems
12.4 Mapping abstract machine representation
12.5 Creating and deleting distributed array
12.6 Mapping distributed array
12.7 Defining program block
12.8 Parallel loop description
12.9 Representation of the program as a set of subtasks executed in parallel
12.10 Reduction
12.11 Exchange of shadow edges of distributed arrays
12.12 Access to distributed array elements
12.13 Input/Output
12.14 Subsidiary functions
12.15 Access to remote data
12.16 Allocating and freeing memory
12.17 Message passing
12.18 Tools of internal self-checking

12 Run-Time System error messages

The error messages, occurring in the process of Run-Time System operating, can be divided (by error level) on warnings and error messages, breaking the program execution. The errors, breaking the program execution, can be usual (a user errors most likely) and fatal, requiring, possibly, a participation of program builder.

So the error messages have one of the following forms:

*** RTS warning <number of error class> . <error number in class> : <error message text>
*** RTS err <number of error class> . <error number in class> : <error message text>
*** RTS fatal err <number of error class> . <error number in class> : <error message text>

The error class is defined by functional and module structure of Run-Time System.

The output of the file name and line number where the error occurred complete the error message output (as for user program, as for Run-Time System):

USRFILE = <file name of user program>; USRLINE = <line number>;
SYSFILE = <file name of Run-Time System>; SYSLINE = <line number>;

The errors may be divided on two groups according to their occurrence way. The first group consists of the errors, occurring on all the processors at once. Input/output processor outputs the error messages. The second group consists of the errors that can occur on not all the processors "at once". Each processor outputs the error messages itself, adding to the message its internal and external numbers. When single processor is used, the error messages are output without its numbers.

Run-Time System provides the possibilities to output all error messages of the first group by all the processors and all error messages of the second group by the input/output processor only. The first possibility is implemented if to set parameter MultiProcErrReg equal to 2 (parameter files syspar.*). To output the error messages of the second group by input/output processor only, this parameter must be equal to 0 (this possibility is used in experimental purposes only). Usually, the parameter MultiProcErrReg is equal to 1.

All error messages divided by subjects and ordered by increasing class numbers and error numbers inside class are described below.

12.1 Run-Time System initialization and termination

*** RTS fatal err 000.000: invalid <type name> fortran-representation
fortran type length [<tpcntr_ index of type number, specified in TypeCodeArray array when tpcntr_ function is called>] =
<distance in bytes between adjoining elements of specified type in Fortran> (<supposed size in bytes of specified type in Fortran>)
sizeof(<type name>) = <actual size of data representation of specified type in C>

When initializing Run-Time System from Fortran-program, wrong representation of C base data type, specified in the diagnostic, is set in Fortran.

*** RTS fatal err 000.001: wrong call linit_ (no memory)

Insufficient memory for Run-Time System initialization in Fortran.

*** RTS fatal err 000.002: wrong call getarg (Param String Lehgth=<string length >)

Wrong length of parameter-string, returned by the subprogram getarg when Run-Time System is initialized in Fortran.

12.1.1 MPI library initialization

*** RTS fatal err 001.000: Proc Count(<C1>) ¹ MPI Proc Count(<C2>)

C1 - a number of processors, specified in current.par file.
C2 - a number of processors, returned to Run-Time System when initializing MPI library.

12.1.2 PVM library initialization

*** RTS fatal err 002.000: pvm_spawn rc = <a number of processors, the subtask were started on>

A number of processors, the subtasks were started on, is not equal to required number of processors (specified as parameter in pvm_spawn function call).

*** RTS fatal err 002.001: invalid Current Proc Ident (<current subtask identifier>)

The current subtask identifier is absent in the started subtask list (returned by the pvm_spawn function) and is not main subtask identifier.

12.1.3 GNS and ROUTER libraries initialization

*** RTS fatal err 003.000: gns_newtask rc = <a number of processors, the subtask were started on>

A number of processors, the subtasks were started on, is not equal to required number of processors (specified as parameter in gns_newtask function call).

*** RTS fatal err 003.001: invalid Current Proc Ident (<current subtask identifier>)

The current subtask identifier is absent in the started subtask list (returned by the gns_newtask function) and is not main subtask identifier.

12.1.4 Input of system parameters Parameter descriptions by macrodefinitions, preceding to parameters input from the file

*** RTS fatal err 010.000: no memory for parameter struct

Insufficient memory for allocation of the structure, describing input parameters. The diagnostics can be reported when executing macrocall MaxParNumber(<input parameter number>).

*** RTS fatal err 010.001: too many parameters

A number of parameters is more than maximal number of parameters, specified in macrocall MaxParNumber. The diagnostics can be reported when next input parameter is described by macrocall Parameter(<parameter description>) (or by macrocalls ipParameter, iParameter, pParameter, aParameter).

*** RTS fatal err 010.002: no memory for parameter <parameter name>

Insufficient memory for allocation of the structure, initialized when next input parameter is described. The diagnostics can be reported when executing macrocall Parameter(<parameter description>) (or macrocalls ipParameter, iParameter, pParameter, aParameter).

*** RTS fatal err 010.003: length of parameter name <parameter name> < <MinLength>

MinLength - minimal possible number of symbols in parameter name.

The diagnostics is reported when next input parameter is described by macrocall Parameter(<parameter description>) (or by macrocalls ipParameter, iParameter, pParameter, aParameter), if input is performed using rapid scheme of identifying a parameter by first and last MinLength symbols of the parameter name. This scheme works after Run-Time System compilation without compilation variable _DATA_ALIGN_ACCESS_ definition. Parameter input from file

Any from described below diagnostics about errors in parameter specified in the file, is accompanied additionally with output of parameter file line, where the error was detected.

*** RTS err 012.000: parameter file <parameter file name> does not exist
*** RTS warning 012.001: parameter file <parameter file name> does not exist
*** RTS err 012.002: can’t open parameter file <parameter file name>
*** RTS warning 012.003: can’t open parameter file <parameter file name>
*** RTS fatal err 012.004: no memory for parameter buffer
       (parameter file <parameter file name>)

Insufficient memory to locate read parameter file.

*** RTS warning 012.005: parameter file <parameter file name> is empty
*** RTS err 012.006: no end of comments (parameter file <parameter file name>)

A commentary end is not found in processed parameter file.

*** RTS warning 012.007: invalid key word (parameter file <parameter file name>)
*** RTS err 012.008: invalid key word index (<value of key word index>)
       (parameter file <parameter file name>)

If the parameter key word is array name, it can be indexed as KeyWord[Index]. This diagnostics is reported, in the case of index bound violation.

*** RTS err 012.009: no ‘]’ (parameter file <parameter file name>)
*** RTS err 012.010: no key word or ‘;~’ (parameter file <parameter file name>)
*** RTS err 012.011: no key word or ‘ = [’ (parameter file <parameter file name>)
*** RTS err 012.012: no ‘=’ (parameter file <parameter file name>)
*** RTS err 012.013: no parameter (parameter file <parameter file name>)

This diagnostics is reported, if input parameter is identified, but its value is not specified.

*** RTS err 012.014: invalid key word (parameter file <parameter file name>)
*** RTS err 012.015: invalid double parameter (parameter file <parameter file name>)
*** RTS err 012.016: invalid long parameter (parameter file <parameter file name>)
*** RTS err 012.017: invalid max length of char parameter
       (parameter file <parameter file name>)

Text parameter can’t be input, because for its location in the memory only one byte is allocated (parameter name, specified in its description, is the name of single-byte text array).

*** RTS err 012.018: length of char parameter > <maximal parameter length>
       (parameter file <parameter file name>)

The diagnostics is reported if length of input text parameter more than the size of the byte array, provided for parameter location (more than maximal length of text parameter).

*** RTS err 012.019: invalid unsigned long parameter
       (parameter file <parameter file name>)
*** RTS err 012.020: no ‘;’ or ‘~’ (parameter file <parameter file name>)

12.1.5 Checking input parameters and Run-Time System tuning according to the parameters

*** RTS err 014.000: invalid current parameter
       (CurrentPar[<parameter index>] = <parameter value>)
*** RTS err 014.001: initial PS rank = 0
*** RTS err 014.002: invalid file version <V>
       (parameter file <parameter file name>; right value <IV>
- <LV>)

V - number of Run-Time System version the input file is intended for.
IV - initial possible number value of Run-Time System version, whose file can be used by the current version.
LV - last possible number of Run-Time System version, whose file can be used by the current version.

*** RTS warning 014.003: invalid file version <V>
       (parameter file <parameter file name>; right value <IV>
- <LV>)

V - number of Run-Time System version the input file is intended for.
IV - initial possible number value of Run-Time System version, whose file can be used by the current version.
LV - last possible number value of Run-Time System version, whose file can be used by the current version.

*** RTS err 014.004: can't open SysInfo file <informational message file name>
*** RTS warning 014.005: can't open SysInfo file <informational message file name>
*** RTS err 014.006: length of ProcNumberList (<N1>) < processor count(<N2>)

N1 - count of numbers, specified in external processor number list (parameter ProcNumberList in files syspar.rel and syspar.deb).
N2 - count of processors in initial processor system.

*** RTS err 014.007: invalid ProcNumberList
       (ProcNumberList[<element 1 index>] = ProcNumberList[<element 2 index>] =
       <common value>

The same numbers are in external processor number list ProcNumberList.

*** RTS err 014.008: invalid CoordWeightList1
      (CoordWeightList1[<element index>] = <element value>)

Wrong weight in processor coordinate weight list of 1-th processor system dimension.

*** RTS err 014.009: invalid CoordWeightList2
      (CoordWeightList2[<element index>] = <element value>)

Wrong weight in processor coordinate weight list of 2-th processor system dimension.

*** RTS err 014.010: invalid CoordWeightList3
       (CoordWeightList3[<element index>] = <element value>)

Wrong weight in processor coordinate weight list of 3-th processor system dimension.

*** RTS err 014.011: invalid CoordWeightList4
       (CoordWeightList4[<element index>] = <element value>)

Wrong weight in processor coordinate weight list of 4-th processor system dimension.

*** RTS err 014.020: invalid ProcWeightList
       (ProcWeightList[<element index>] = <element value>)

Wrong weight in processor weight list.

*** RTS err 014.030: invalid MaxMeasureIndex (<maximal index of time measuring>)

Wrong (negative) maximal value of time measuring index MaxMeasureIndex.

*** RTS err 014.031: no memory for Measure Start Time Array

No memory for tuning time measuring mechanism.

*** RTS err 014.032: no memory for Measure Trace Time Array

No memory for tuning time measuring mechanism.

*** RTS err 014.035: invalid PLGroupNumber
       (PLGroupNumber[<element index>] = <element value>)

Wrong number of coordinate groups of parallel loop iterations in specified element of PLGroupNumber parameter array.

*** RTS err 014.038: invalid UserPS
       (UserPS[<element index>] = <element value>)

Wrong (negative) dimension size of processor system of user program in specified element of parameter array UserPS.

*** RTS err 014.039: invalid user PS rank
user PS rank (<rank of processor system of user program>)
¹ initial PS rank (<rank of initial processor system>)

Wrong rank of processor system of user program (is not equal to the rank of initial processor system).

*** RTS err 014.040: can not open stdout file <file name for stdout stream redirection>
*** RTS err 014.041: can not open stderr file <file name for stderr stream redirection>
*** RTS err 014.050: invalid statistics group name <operation group name> (parameter file <parameter file name>)

After given message the list of all operation group names of information accumulation subsystem will be reported for program performance analysis.

*** RTS err 016.000: no memory for allocation memory buffer

No memory for the buffer of checking memory allocations and freeing.

*** RTS err 016.001: invalid DisableTraceEvents array
(DisableTraceEvents[<element index>] = <element value>)

Wrong number in disabled trace event list DisableTraceEvents.

*** RTS err 016.002: invalid FullTraceEvents array
(FullTraceEvents[<element index>] = <element value>)

Wrong number in trace event list FullTraceEvents, traced in verbose mode.

*** RTS err 016.003: invalid Trace Time Precision
(<a number of signs after comma in trace event time>)

*** RTS err 016.004: no memory for trace event underline

No memory for underlining string of every trace event.

*** RTS err 016.005: Trace Buffer Length < Max Trace String Length

The system trace buffer size is less then maximal length of trace record.

*** RTS err 016.006: no memory for system trace buffer
*** RTS err 016.007: can’t open system trace out file <trace file name>

Failure of opening the file for tracing directly to the file.

*** RTS err 016.008: no memory for OS trace buffer

Lack of memory for performed by operation system buffering of the trace, accumulated directly in the files.

*** RTS err 016.009: invalid TraceProcList array
(TraceProcList[<element index>] = < element value>)

Wrong processor number in specified element of TraceProcList list of internal numbers of traced processors (the parameter from systrace.* files).

12.1.6 Run-Time System termination

*** RTS err 020.000: can not open System Info File <informational message file name>

Opening failure of informational message file.

*** RTS err 020.001: no memory for System Info File <informational message file name>

Not enough memory for joining files with informational massages into single file.

*** RTS err 022.000: can’t open trace out file <trace file name>

Opening failure of the file to upload the buffer with accumulated trace.

*** RTS err 022.001: can’t write on trace out file <trace file name>

Failure of writing accumulated in the buffer trace to the file.

*** RTS err 022.002: End of program: Code Check Sum is wrong

Wrong checksum of code memory when the program is terminated.

*** RTS err 022.003: End of program: Control Total is wrong

Wrong checksum of memory area, specified in startup parameters, when the program is terminated.

12.2 Creating abstract machine representations

*** RTS err 030.000: wrong call crtamv_
(the abstract machine is not a DVM object;
AMRef = <reference to the abstract machine>)

The object specified in the function call as abstract machine is not DVM-object.

*** RTS err 030.001: wrong call crtamv_
(the object is not an abstract machine;
AMRef = <reference to the abstract machine>)

The object specified in the function call as abstract machine is not an abstract machine.

*** RTS err 030.002: wrong call crtamv_
(the parental abstract machine is not a descendant of the current abstract machine;
AMRef = <reference to the parental abstract machine>;
CurrentAMRef = <reference to the current abstract machine>)

Abstract machine (parental), passed to the function, is not the current abstract machine or its direct or indirect descendant.

*** RTS err 030.010: wrong call delamv_
(the representation is not a DVM object;
AMViewRef = <reference to abstract machine representation>)

The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not a DVM-object.

*** RTS err 030.011: wrong call delamv_
(the object is not an abstract machine representation;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine representation>)

The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not abstract machine representation.

*** RTS err 030.020: wrong call getamr_
(the representation is not a DVM object;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine representation>)

The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not a DVM-object.

*** RTS err 030.021: wrong call getamr_
(the object is not an abstract machine representation;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine representation>)

The object specified in the function call as abstract machine representation is not abstract machine representation.

*** RTS err 030.022: wrong call getamr_
(IndexArray[<dimension number of parental abstract machine representation minus 1>] = <abstract machine index>
<dimension size of parental abstract machine representation>; AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine representation>)

Index value of requested abstract machine for specified dimension of parental abstract machine representation is more than or equal to this dimension size (abstract machine representation element, reference to which is requested, is not exist).

*** RTS err 030.023: wrong call getamr_
(IndexArray[<dimension number of parental abstract machine representation minus 1>] = <abstract machine index> < 0;
AMViewRef = <reference to the abstract machine representation>)

Index value of requested abstract machine for specified dimension of parental abstract machine representation is negative (abstract machine representation element, reference to which is requested, is not exist).

Lib-DVM - detailed design (contents) Part 1(1-7) Part 2 (8-11) Part 3 (12)
Error messages
Error messages
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