Программное обеспечение прототипа распределенной бортовой вычислительной системы
( Software for the DistributedOn-board Computer System Prototype
Preprint, Inst. Appl. Math., the Russian Academy of Science)

Белов А.А., П.Бэр, Воронцов Д.В., Зубков Б.В., Ильин А.А., Калашников С.К., Калинин А.П., С.Монтенегро, Овчинников А.М., Овчинников М.Ю., Останий А.Н., Орлов А.Г., С.Плетнер, Родионов И.Д., Родионов А.И., Родионова И.П., Ритус И.В.

(A.A.Belov, P.Behr, E.Yu.Fedounin, A.A.Ilyin, S.K.Kalashnikov, A.P.Kalinin, S.Montenegro, A.G.Orlov, A.N.Ostanniy, A.M.Ovchinnikov, M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, S.Pletner, I.V.Ritus, A.I.Rodionov, I.D.Rodionov, I.P.Rodionova, D.V.Vorontsov, B.V.Zubkov)

ИПМ им. М.В.Келдыша РАН

Москва, 2004
Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Международного научно-технического центра (проект № 2323)


В соответствии с проектом №2323 «Разработка прототипа распределенной бортовой вычислительной системы для управления космическим аппаратом и комплексом научной аппаратуры, устойчивой к отдельным сбоям» Международного научно-технического центра, выполняемым в Институте прикладной математики им.М.В.Келдыша РАН и в Институте космических исследований РАН совместно с Fraunhofer Institute Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik (FIRST, Berlin, Germany), разрабатывается программная и аппаратная части указанного прототипа. Настоящая работа посвящена описанию программной части проекта, разработанной к настоящему времени. Приведен краткий обзор операционных систем реального времени и сделан предварительный выбор наиболее подходящей системы. Определены требования к программному обеспечению прототипа вычислительной системы. Обсуждаются принципы разработки прикладных программ для бортовой обработки данных на прототипе бортовой вычислительной системы.


According to the project №2323 «The Development of the Prototype of Distributed Fault Tolerant On-Board Computing System for Satellite Control System and the Complex of Scientific Equipment» of the International Scientific and Technical Center the work on development of a software and hardware parts of mentioned prototype is carrying out in the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS and in the Space Research Institute of RAS jointly with the Fraunhofer Institute Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik (FIRST, Berlin, Germany). The preprint describes a project’s software branch being in a progress. The brief survey of real-time executives is adduced and preliminary choice of the most appropriate system is done. Requirements to the software of the prototype of computing system are determined. Principles of the development of applied software for on board data processing by the prototype of on board computing system are discussed.








Operation system choice



Analysis of on-board computer complex software requirements and OS choice



Challengers for on-board OS



Preliminary conclusion



Determination of requirements to software for the on-board computer system prototype



Local module software requirements



Software requirements for entire computer complex



Development of applied programs for on-board data processing at the airborne computer system prototype



Statement of problem



Task of hyper-spectral measurements



Hyper-spectral data processing techniques



Correlation method for experimental data processing



Sub-pixel method for experimental data processing



Processing algorithms



Algorithms of initial configuring, routing, and reconfiguring



System composition



Initiation stage



Operation mode



A module failure



Types of output data



Output data compression








The Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS and the Space Research Institute of RAS both jointly with the Fraunhofer Institute Rechnerarchitektur und Softwaretechnik (FIRST, Berlin, Germany) develop software and instrumental parts for the prototype of an onboard computer system resistant to some separate failures in a framework of the project № 2323 entitled «The Development of the Prototype of Distributed Fault Tolerant On-Board Computing System for Satellite Control System and the Complex of Scientific Equipment» under support of the International Scientific and Technical Center. This work includes a development of a fail-safe distributed onboard computer system prototype to control a spacecraft and the scientific equipment facility making the hyper-spectral remote sensing of the Earth.

Requirements to the board and scientific equipment control facility necessary to carry out the mission’s scientific tasks can be only fulfilled by a powerful and flexible computer & communication infrastructure. Broad operational variety demands that the computing functions and capabilities must be adaptable to changing in-time requirements. The scientific equipment control system closely interacts with the on board control facility in terms of requirements per concrete operation. While the on board control complex should provide for a high rate of the spacecraft’s autonomous operation as well as its robustness as the top priority task.

The on-Board Computer System (BCS) is a distributed multi-computer system resistant to separate failures and accomplishing entire steering, telemetry and monitoring functions as well as all application functions typical for scientific equipment and computer control system facility.

Amalgamation of different computing functions on a spacecraft board into a single system with a high redundancy rate allows both tight interworking between various processes and optimizes flexible utilization of the reserved computer resources to execute different tasks depending on the operation requirements and the necessary failure resistance level. The on-board computer architecture corresponds to a homogeneous symmetrical multi-computer system i.e. it comprises several (from 3 to 16) similar nodal computers linked by a redundant bus system. Actually each computer is able to execute any process and has an access to every I/O-channel. The software architecture build-up uses the same approach as the instrumental part architecture. It must be modular, distributed and reiteratively redundant. The compact kernel operation system (OS) should provide each node for basic functioning in the multi-task mode with priorities, the priority based and real time based planning, communications and memory resources control.

The preprint discusses and substantiates the real time OS choice and describes the developed application software for the hyper-spectral imaging.



1. OS choice


1.1. Analysis of on-board computer complex software requirements and OS choice


It is understood that the proper computer system architecture choice is only possible when taking it as a one whole entity combining instrumental and software parts. The key issue in designing of the instrumental part is the choice of an OS, its kernel and specialized software (SSW), since the build-up of the whole computer system needs to take into account which tasks are solved by a hardware and which by a software, while the work is restricted in time and funding.

Therefore, at the first stage our attention was drawn to the choice of an OS for on-board computer system prototype. Let us discuss guiding requirements for the OS choice.

The requirements below are given in the importance descending order. Satisfaction to the beginning requirement points is the guiding principle for selection of the concrete OS.

The target system is understood as a whole computer complex devised to host the OS and SSW. The computer complex main tasks are seen as tasks carried out by SSW.


 1. Functionality requirements:

a) OS level support for the following issues:

    --synchronized objects: spinlocks, mutexes;



    --clocks, timers;

    --exceptional cases;

    --message queues;

    --tasks (processes) with priorities;

    --inner task flows (threads) with priorities;

    --memory scheduler;

    --external devices;

    --shared memory;

    --multiprocessor computer systems.


b) Principal implementation capability to support instrumental interfaces of the target system within the chosen OS frameworks.

c) The OS overall usage of the CPU resources, external and internal memory is rather enough to allow solution of the computer complex main tasks within the taken OS (~10-100 Kb).

d) The maximum response delay time to an external instrumental interrupt is within limits for the lossless data exchange control over any bus provided the CPU resources consumption leaving rather enough time for the computer complex main tasks within the taken OS (~1-2 μs).

e) The maximum task relay time is within limits sufficient for the SSW operation (~1 ms).

f) The flow relay time inside one task frameworks is within limits sufficient for the SSW operation (~100 ns).

 2. Control and reliability requirements:

а) Availability of the entire OS source code written in a high level language with clear-cut structure.

b) The taken OS must have cross-compiling and cross-debugging tools for at least one common used OS such as UNIX or Windows.

 3. Flexibility and scalability requirements:

a) Presence of a configuration mechanism (or its development means) as well as OS installation and loading mechanism for the target system.

b) Presence of a mechanism (or its development means) to apply the newly developed modules and components (i.e. drivers for new equipment) in the OS frameworks.

 4.Miscellaneous requirements:

a) The taken OS is desirable to have auxiliary tools facilitating the developers’ work such as debugger, profiler, utilities for log analysis and acquisition of various information, etc.


1.2. Challengers for on-board OS



+:      means advantage

-:       means drawback

The following OS were analyzed:


1. eCOS (http://sources.redhat.com/ecos/)

+: Open source code system is widely supported by the largest Linux (RedHat) based solution supplier with implementation (in C++, assembler) for PowerPC (IBM, Xilinx, Motorola) and many other platforms (the list is being permanently expanded). The system is compatible with the standard cross-tools of GNU.

-: strict lock-on to GCC compiler (to a set of compilers to be exact) supplied with GNU license; the use of other compilers is hardly whatever possible.



+: Open source code system with quite simple and explicit implementation (in C++, assembler) for PowerPC. The OS is compatible with the standard cross-tools of GNU and was previously used in a satellite computer complex with manifold redundancy. The system showed stable performance for harsh conditions.

-: very narrow circle of developers; lack of standard equipment support, the OS has no support for such regnant concepts as kernel modules or network sockets.


3. VxWorks (WindRiver)

+: The leader of the embedded systems market, the OS was tested in multiple applications, it is proved to be a high-speed one with a configurable kernel and the broadest support of different equipment provided with flexible license (discount for massive purchases). Cross-tools use freely distributed GNU program packages and company’s own developed utilities for popular OS’s based on Windows NT and Linux clones are available for developers. There is also a graphic subsystem optimized for the embedded applications available for additional charge.

-: The OS cost is pretty high as compared with the counterparts. The source code is licensed by the supplier and is provided for considerable extra charge with no alterations allowed (languages С/C++, assembler). The shared memory system is either available only for additional charges.


4. Windows NT hard real-time extensions

+: Windows NT kernel based systems are able to execute the majority of programs developed for Windows platform i.e. the target computer may simultaneously be the developer’s computer.

-: Yet actually this type system falls into two parts:

the first one works under the old, not real-time kernel control with its own drivers,

the second one works under the new real-time kernel control rewritten by manufacturer as a specific solution (a note for specialists: here the NT kernel is considered as either the "ntoskrnl.exe” itself or tightly linked to it "hal.dll” and some few similar libraries).

Achilles's heel of this approach is the fact that inside the non-real-time interrupt controller the interrupts are banned (poor quality drivers sometimes even themselves do this “for reliability sake”) what extinguishes any performance speed guaranties for other components. High cost and at the same time complete source code secrecy of the solution should also be pointed out. Therefore, even the, so called, “real-time extensions” for the satellite on-board computer applications do not fully match the reliability criterion in either cases of at least one standard driver usage or a necessity to somewhat alter the system response to external events (this is specific for all closed source code systems).


5. Windows CE

+: The initially oriented for the mobile computer market is small in size, has fairly good rate and relatively low cost.

-: Closed kernel, rather big interrupt response delays, considerably abridged functionality as compared with Windows NT.


6. Linux real-time extensions

+: such type systems are the general purpose OS remake substantially slimmed-down (the kernel had been altered and has open source code), supplemented but rather remained principally intact. Thus, the majority of already made OS Linux equipment drivers can be used keeping up the advantage of the main real-time OS quality which is the high rate response to external events.

-: the OS Linux has not been conceived as a real-time OS; some drivers imply such system components as a file system or a virtual memory system and could contribute unacceptable delays for a real-time system. This fact causes apprehensions though not so strong as that for the analogous Windows NT solutions.


7. QNX Neutrino

+: constructed on the micro-kernel base with components traditionally comprising the OS solid kernel; the components are implemented as separate mobile and replaceable modules with clear-cut interfaces that naturally boosts the system robustness although lowers its performance a bit. The system’s indisputable advantage is its wide support (by means of porting) for multiple GNU software packages, including graphic ones, within the system frameworks what makes it possible to conduct full-scale development right at the target computer with no cross-tools attached (mind that this option is not excluded). There is also the company’s own developed graphic “Photon” subsystem that is compact and fast, oriented to the embedded applications.

-: closed source code of kernel and weak, at present, support for various industrial and military computer equipment; while the cost is lower but still comparable to the one of the industry leaders such as WindRiver.


1.3. Preliminary conclusion


The full control (including alterability) requirement to the on-board computer OS behavior drives us to reject the already made closed source code systems, thus selection from the rest options undoubtedly yields the eCOS as the most mature and at the same time evolutionary system (at the document preparation moment principally revised second edition of the OS has come out). The rate qualities have not been tested yet (due to lack of the target computer) but the kernel’s open source code gives a vast flexibility in this respect.

On the one hand any time consuming OS code fragments can be thoroughly rewritten with the target computer’s central processor (CPU) assembler. On the other hand – execution of the required operations may entirely be relayed to an external (with respect to CPU) equipment thus creating a soft- and hardware complex for maximum compliance with the task settled. Actually eCOS represents the basic building kit for construction of a specific soft- and hardware complex.


2. Determination of requirements to software for the on-board computer system prototype


The target system module implies that one or several chips are mounted on the same board and exchanging signals between themselves and the other system modules is carried out via single or multiple bus interfaces.


2.1. Local module software requirements


The requirements are as follows:

1.    Support of routing and exchange interfaces for signals (minimum sufficient data volume, maximum rate) and messages (any data volume) over a bus or buses with the available neighborhood.

2.    Implementation of basic interface for routing signals and messages over the available buses (no control center, finding and polling of adjacent units, polled data exchange).

3.    Implementation of extended routing interface (assigned control center, requisite routing data at each node, and auxiliary routing data in each packet).

4.    Maintenance of a module and its buses including accumulation of extra diagnostic data about the module’s state and its buses’ load.

5.    Regular transfer of the gained information on the state of a module and its buses at a request received via a bus or other sources.

6.    Execution of the computing and control tasks posed for the module.


2.2. Software requirements for entire computer complex


1.      Initial configuration of all target system devices according to selected algorithm by means of signaling and messaging between modules.

2.      Reconfiguration and alignment of bus load by means of signaling and messaging between modules upon reaching of the preset load threshold or reception of a control signal.

3.      Synchronization, if needed, of the executed operations and intermodule data according to selected algorithm by signaling and messaging.

4.      Relaying of data flow to backup module in case of one module’s malfunction or correct handling of a faulty state (impossibility to continue operation).

5.      Support for a single main router module to coordinate data flows inside the complex. The support includes initial selection of a router module, operation of the router, and reallocation of the routing functions to another module.


3. Development of applied programs for on-board data processing at the airborne computer system prototype


On-board processing of scientific data is an implementation of mathematical methods of hyper-spectral data processing. Its essence is in revelation of the matter content in each point of the Earth surface observed.


3.1. Statement of problem


There is a set of spectra where each of them is a sum of unknown but finite quantity of basic spectra and random interference spectra due to imperfect instruments. The task is to:

·        solve the problem of basic spectra automatic extraction out of the available spectral set;

·        define the basic spectra contribution volume for any spectrum of the given spectra set. Whereas the value can be both zero and positive;

·        calculate the decomposition error.


The problem is aggravated by the fact that in a general case of great number of basic vectors the resolution can be ambiguous. The correct resolution in this case needs assessment of the alternative resolutions error values, resolution data in neighboring points, noise characteristics, and additional data.


3.2. Task of the hyper-spectral measurements


The task of the hyper-spectral measurements in the 0.4‑2 µm optical range is the Earth surface investigation (aiming to identify objects and materials comprising the surface) using remote sensing technique (from the board of a plane or a spacecraft). According to current terminology the measurements are called hyper-spectral if their range involves from several hundreds up to one thousand spectral channels, and hyper-spectrometer is an instrument measuring either spectral or spatial coordinates at the same time. Identification of objects and materials in the hyper-spectral measurements is based on the objects’ and materials’ property to reflect and absorb the light. The fundamental basis of such remote sensing is an assumption that there is a univocal link between the received reflected signal and the reflecting surface contents. The illumination can be provided by solar radiation at the daytime and by lunar or even stellar radiation in the night. The maximum illumination radiation is in the visible range while the 0.4‑2 µm range has optically transparent windows for clean atmosphere.

         The hyper-spectral survey main concept is a “hypercube”. This is the international term for a data set compiled of the intensity values of the solar signal reflected from a two-dimensional area surface conditionally partitioned to image elements – pixels. Besides two standard coordinates each pixel is added with a spectral coordinate providing for 3D data dimension. Moreover, the discrete polarization coordinate is also supplemented. So the measured data represent a function given at the multi-dimension space with continuous and discrete arguments. This has stipulated the term ofhypercube”.

The hyper-spectral data processing main task is decomposition of the emitted spectrum to the basis. The main idea of the hyper-spectral decomposition is representation of the spectrum as a sum of reference components spectra. To facilitate the decomposition the resolved spectrum is given as a vector.


3.3. Hyper-spectral data processing techniques


Two hyper-spectral data processing techniques, that is, correlation and sub-pixel methods have been developed.


3.3.1. Correlation method for experimental data processing


The correlation method compares the given hyper-spectral function for each hyper-spectral image pixel with the hyper-spectral functions of reference components in order to choose a substance to most closely match the spectrum.

Expertise showed that the most successful correlation function is an integral of the spectral functions product. Let f1 function be the studied spectral function and f2 function consecutively correspond to spectral functions of reference components. The fi functions are brought to such a kind that their mean quadrant value is zero and integral of the function’s quadrant equals to 1:


С value lies within the range of –1 to 1 and features similarity of f1 and f2.functions. Such fi, functions are selected out of all reference components which have the maximum С value. Since among all spectral functions of the reference components there could be no function sufficiently close to the studied spectral one the search is limited by a minimum threshold value of Сmin. Should the maximum found value of Сmax be less than this threshold, the substance would be considered as unidentified (Смах is usually about 0.5-0.8 and is chosen with regard to the video-signal quality and a number of reference components). In case of the data is obtained from several hyperspectrometer modules the resulting C value would be a weighted sum of correlations from these modules’ spectral functions:



Here pi, is a weight of a given module spectral function determined by informative capacity of the given spectral range, m is a number of hyper-spectrometer modules.

From the mathematical viewpoint this method should be noted to be a particular case of the more general sub-pixel transformation. It is similar to a product of two vectors in multi-dimensional space and can be used for definition of each data base element contribution, provided the basis formed by this base is orthogonal. The correlation method undoubted advantage is its algorithmic simplicity and high stability to interference caused by illumination and various nonlinearities of equipment. The method’s drawback is its lower information capacity of the obtained picture recognition for the hyper-spectral survey results as compared sub-pixel method described below.


3.3.2. Sub-pixel method for experimental data processing


All superficial materials, as usual, are mixtures of several substances for all measuring scales and, therefore, the spectral function of a surface image element is a composition of several component spectral functions (reference components). Modeling of each element spectral function by a linear combination of a finite number of the reference spectral samples allows estimation of the image pixel content by the least square method [1].

         The N-dimensional vector determined by N hyperspectrometer channels could be a useful mathematic presentation for the spectral mixture analysis. An arbitrary M reference spectral samples (while M always less than N) determines an M-dimensional subspace in the N-dimensional vector space. We put the N-dimensional vector of the image element spectral function as a linear combination of reference vector components. Each component of the reference spectral samples is defined by a numeric share value within 0 and 1. Besides, the total sum of these numeric shares per each reference component of the given image element must be equal to 1 with no account for noise and the unidentified substances contribution. This geometrical interpretation of spectrum yields a basis for the orthogonal subspace projections method (OSP) to analyze the mixed spectrum.

The reference components quantity depends on the spectral channels number, the chosen spectral bandwidth, the spectral bandwidth signal to noise ratio, and can vary from some few (in bad conditions) up to hundreds.

The essence of sub-pixel elements recognition could actually be described as follows. As it was mentioned above each image element is featured by its own spectral function fi(l). Mind that the sub-pixel transformation method brings fi spectral functions to the same type as for the correlation method whereas their average value is zero and the integral of square function is equal to 1 (1). In our case we deal with discrete data and can denote such function as an intensity values series:


                            A={ fil1 fil2……..filn},                                                    (3)


where filn is intensity of the fi(l) spectral function at the ln wavelength. The sub-pixel transformation method presents this discrete function as a N-dimensional vector with li  (i=1 ¸ N) as the coordinate axis.

An example helping to understand the sub-pixel method essence is the case when in a hyperspectral image element spectral function (f) is characterized by three discrete values (lс,  lк,  lж) (Fig.1a).


Spectral function f, valued by three spectral channels (a), and its projection on the reference components subspace


Herein the transformation uses the so-called linear mixing model. The model’s essence is that each hyper-spectral image element represents a linear combination of reference components with corresponding coefficients. So the studied f function is transformed to



 is the vector presentation for image element spectral function;

 is the vector presentation for reference components;

 is the vector component contribution;

 is the reference components number;

* is the error vector caused by instrumental noises and unidentified substances;

 is a transposition operation.

Expressions (1) bring the spectra to vector type, and further on the obtained f vector is projected to a subspace built-up by the reference components. The fп projection and e perpendicular vectors to the reference components subspace is a result of this procedure. It is obvious that



Actually the perpendicular е vector is a decomposition error due to insufficient number of the reference components. If the f vector belongs to the reference components vector subspace then the е error would be zero, i.e. linear combination of the reference components vectors completely describes the spectral function vector of the studied image element. The decomposition error can be expressed by


Since the error vector is perpendicular to all reference components vectors the following equation is valid


where ST – is the transposed matrix. Using (4) we get


Transforming (7) finally yields

where is a reference components subspace projection matrix.

Similarly the error vector e can be obtained using the PE error projection matrix

where , E is an identity matrix. The vector b coordinates (bi) give the volume contributing by a particular i – substance to the image pixel elementary content. The “error” vector value reveals the actual validity of the taken reference components base to identify the image pixel.

3.4. Processing algorithms


Correlation method is presented in the following figure:

Sub-pixel method is shown in next figure:


4. Algorithms of initial configuring, routing, and reconfiguring


4.1. System composition


The complex comprises a set of modules plugged in sockets on the system’s common motherboard. On connection each module is assigned with its own unique identifier. A part of the identifier is the socket number the module is plugged in. We’ll give more details on the identifiers later. Let us consider structures of the modules positioning and their interwork in the system.

Fig.2 gives a diagram of physical connections between modules in the complex. Note that the diagram depicts only module №004 connections with the modules concerned.




Fig. 2

Modules physical connections diagram


All the modules are instrumentally identical but differ only by functions they realize. The functions are determined by software. Let us denote the different function modules by the following abbreviations:

Rec is a data receiver. These modules have external interface with the scientific equipment.

Proc is a module processing the scientific data. These modules’ incoming data is processed according to the module’s preloaded algorithm. The processed information is passed to transfer modules.

Tran is a transmitter of data. The module is responsible for the data transfer to outer devices.

Using the notations the logical connections module diagram can be drawn this way:





The logical connections diagram for modules in case of single module of a type


If system has a several similar function modules then the diagram could look as follows:












The logical connections diagram for modules in case when number of modules executing each possible function is more than one


Therefore, each system module is identified by the following parameters:

·        number of socket it is plugged in;

·        function fulfilled.

Assembly of these parameters is the module’s identifier.

Operation of the system needs each module to know the other module’s identifier to pass the processed data to and the number of communication channel capable of making of this transfer. The module connection diagram shows (Fig.1) that every module is linked with other six modules via communication channels. These channels are situated at the motherboard and in the common case, when not all the sockets are busy, some communication channels could be lacking. So the first system start-up stage must be initialization.


4.2. Initialization stage


This stage compiles a table according to which all the modules’ interwork takes place. Let us call it a Routing Table.


Routing Table:







Channel number










The routing table has the following fields:

Row number – as the table may include a big number of different routes, each route represents a unique row in it.

Module type is the assigned function of a module

Socket number is the number of socket which the given module is plugged in.

Channel number is the number one of six channels ready to carry data to a specified module. If the selected channel links this module with the destination one indirectly, then a module that received data addressed to another one transfers the information further according to its routing table.


The table is generated this way. On system start-up each module sends a broadcast request. This broadcast request includes the origin address, the type mask of modules expected to answer, and parameter limiting the request’s “life time”. Each module that received such a request must resend it via all its data links. Each module satisfying the request mask must respond to the originator with a message. This message contains the socket number that the given module is plugged in and the type of the module. On reception of such a message the broadcast request sender puts the message’s data into its own routing table. The generated table may contain several records differed only by the “Channel number” field value, this means presence of alternative routes to one and the same module.

In order not to overload the system by such broadcast requests a parameter is needed to limit its “life time”. This parameter is also included into the requests. The parameter is a positive number decreased by one after each request reception. If the resulted parameter value is not zero the request is transferred forth. Thereby the number of the given request copies emerged in the system is limited. This number is equal to 6n, where n is the parameter value, and number of modules that received this request at least once equals to 6*n. Having generated its routing table a module is switched to the operation mode.


4.3. Operation mode


In the operation mode a module can exchange data with other modules according to the following scripts.

1. Data transfer to the module X

First a data transfer request is originated. The request includes: the request-message property, destination identifier, volume of data to transfer. On getting of the data receive ready acknowledgement a data packet is formed and sent to the X module. If no acknowledgement ever emerged then retry is made from the next routing table raw that contains a route to the same type module as the X module.


2. Data reception from the module X

On reception of the data transfer request from X module a check is made for the input buffer free space. If the buffer has enough space to receive the data the module sends the data receive ready acknowledgement. After this the data packet from the X module is received.


4.4. A module failure


If a module that has alternative modules of the same type fails the data processing tasks would be redistributed among them. In this case the sender will not get the data receive ready acknowledgement and the data is transferred to some other module. The second consequence of the one module’s failure is a loss of one data link for six other modules. Yet this trouble is surmounted by using of alternative routes in the routing table. If not all system sockets are occupied it would be better to place modules closer to each other. This gives much stability as compared with modules spread over one or two sockets’ distance.





4.5. Types of output data


After the scientific data has been processed the system outputs three types of information depending on the operation mode.


1)    Video-image (so called “raw data”)


This data is taken from the optical system output and is practically unprocessed. The format of this data is the following: the frame rate is 500 fps, the frame size is 1000х1000 pixels, each pixel is one byte coded that provides for black & white image with 256 gray shades.


2)    Correlation technique results


These data contain information on every spot of the studied surface as a complex of the data base sample number and the similarity factor of the sample and the studied spot spectral function. The data packet format is the following: the first 1 byte has the sample number and the second 1 byte is the similarity factor. So, the packet size is two bytes.


3)    Sub-pixel technique results


These data contain information on every data base sample contribution value into the studied surface section content. The data packet consists of Z contribution factors for each sample. So, the packet size is Z bytes.


4.6. Output data compression


Let us estimate the compression efficiency for all three types of data. For comparison we take two lossless compression techniques – LZW and Haffman method.

LZW-compression replaces symbol strings with table codes. The Table is formed while processing the input text. If the searched symbol string is found in the table the string is then replaced with the string’s table index. Codes generated by LZW-algorithm maybe of any length but they must have more bits then the single symbol.

Haffman compression replaces symbols with codes while the code length depends on the frequency the symbol appears in the compressed data array. The technique requires two passes through the array where the first pass counts the symbol usage frequency and the second one makes the compression itself.

Programs implementing the mentioned algorithms have been developed in order to test the compression efficiency for different data types and each method. Ten 1MByte arrays of each data type were used as the input data. The Table bellow gives the averaged test results.


Table. Compression tests results:





compressed size


compressed size


1 MB

1 006 000 Bytes

696 000 Bytes

Correlation data

1 MB

1 240 000 Bytes

1 003 000 Bytes

Sub-pixel data

1 MB

238 000 Bytes

293 000 Bytes


The Table shows that the correlation processing data file is not compressed by the algorithms discussed above, the sub-pixel processing data file is better compressed by LZW method, and the video-image is better compressed by the Haffman method.






1. Vorontzov D.V., Orlov A.G., Kalinin A.P., Rodionov A.I., et al. Estimate of Spectral and Spatial Resolution for AGSMT-1 Hyperspectrometer, Institute of Mechanics Problems of RAS, Preprint №704

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