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Yury Anatolievich

Leading research fellow

Doctor of science


EDUCATION: Graduated with honour from Physics Department of Moscow State University in 1982 SCIENTIFIC DEGREES: PhD, the Faculty of CMC MSU, 1985 Doctor of Science, Institute for Mathematical Modelling Russian Academy of Sciences, 1997. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: Ph.D. Student, Applied Mathematics and Cybernetics Department of Moscow State University, 1982 – 1985 Junior Researcher, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1985 – 1988 Researcher, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics the USSR Academy of Sciences, 1988 – 1990 Senior Researcher, Institute for Mathematical Modelling USSR (Russian) Academy of Sciences, 1990 – 1997 Leading Researcher, Institute for Mathematical Modelling Russian Academy of Sciences, 1997 – 2010 Leading Researcher, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics Russian Academy of Sciences, 2010 –

Research Interests

Numerical methods, differential and integral equations, inverse and ill-posed problems, self consistent field theory, polymer physics, statistical physics of macromolecules, PRISM mathematical simulation of polyelectrolytes, polymer engineering, MC simulations computational physics.

Research Projects

2002 – 2004. "Sequence Design of Functional Copolymers". Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Zukunfts investitions programm (Department of Polymer Science. Ulm University. Germany).

2004 – 2007. "New Computational Methods to Understand Block Copolymer Ordered Phases (Nanostructures) with Competing Length Scales". Dutch-Russian scientific cooperation program. Dutch Organization for Scientific Research NWO. Grant 047.016.002 (Department of Polymer Chemistry. Groningen University. Netherlands).

2005 – 2011. "Hierarchische Strukturbildung und Funktion Organisch-Anorganischer Nanosysteme" Sonderforschungsbereich 569 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft. Project B13: "Smart copolymers near patterned substrates: surface-modulated morphologies" (Institute of Polymer Science. Ulm University. Germany).

2012 – 2018. "Multiscale computational approach to design of polymer matrix nanocomposites" (Institute for Advanced Energy Related Nanomaterials. Ulm University. Germany).

RFBR 16-03-00223. Functional self-assembled polymer nanocomposites: Field-theoretic approach.

RSCF 17-71-30014. Development of high-precision algorithms and software for perspective supercomputer digital technologies.


1. Y.A.Kriksin, P.G.Khalatur, A.R.Khokhlov Reconstruction of Protein-Like Globular Structure for Random and Designed Copolymers // Macromol. Theory and Simul., 2002, Vol.11, p.213.

2. A.D.Litmanovich, Y.V.Kudryavtsev, Y.A.Kriksin, O.A.Kononenko Ordering in Stretched Bernoullian Copolymers // Macromol. Theory and Simul., 2003, V.12, p.11.

3. Y.A.Kriksin, P.G.Khalatur, A.R.Khokhlov The influence of hydrogen bonds on the globular structure of HP-copolymers // Macromolecular Symposia, 2003, V.201, p.29.

4. V.V.Yashin, Y.V.Kudryavtsev, Y.A.Kriksin, A.D.Litmanovich. Monte Carlo simulation of polymeranalogous reaction in confined conditions: Effects of ordering // Macromolecular Symposia, 2004, V. 210, p.31.

5. Y.A.Kriksin, P.G.Khalatur, A.R.Khokhlov. Adsorption of Multiblock Copolymers onto a Chemically Heterogeneous Surface: a Model of Pattern Recognition // J. Chem. Phys., 2005, V.122, 114703.

6. N.Y. Starovoitova, A.V. Berezkin, Y.A. Kriksin, O.V. Gallyamova, P.G. Khalatur, A.R. Khokhlov. Modeling of Radical Copolymerization near a Selectively Adsorbing Surface: Design of Gradient Copolymers with Long-Range Correlations // Macromolecules, 2005, V.38, N 6, p. 2419.

7. Y.A.Kriksin, P.G.Khalatur, A.R.Khokhlov. Recognition of Complex Patterned Substrates by Heteropolymer Chains Consisting of Multiple Monomer Types // J. Chem. Phys., 2006, V.124, 174904.

8. A.R.Khokhlov, Y.A. Kriksin, I.Y. Erukhimovich, P.G. Khalatur. Computer Design of Copolymers with Desired Functionalities: Microphase Separation in Diblock Copolymers with Amphiphilic Block // Computation in Modern Science and Engineering. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Methods in Science and Engineering 2007, edited by T.E.Simos and G.Maroulis, American Institute of Physics, 2007, CP963, Vol.2 Part A, 416.

9. Y.A. Kriksin, I.Y. Erukhimovich, P.G. Khalatur, Y.G. Smirnova, G. ten Brinke. Nonconventional morphologies in two-length scale block copolymer systems beyond the weak segregation theory // J. Chem. Phys., 2008 V.128, 244903.

10. Y.A. Kriksin, I.Y. Erukhimovich, Y.G. Smirnova, P.G. Khalatur, G. ten Brinke. Nonmonotonic incommensurability effects in lamellar-in-lamellar self-assembled multiblock copolymers // J. Chem. Phys., 2009 V.130, 204901.

11. Y.A. Kriksin, P.G. Khalatur, I.Y. Erukhimovich, G. ten Brinke, A.R.Khokhlov. Microphase separation of diblock copolymers with amphiphilic segment // Soft Matter, 2009 V.5, p. 2896.

12. Yu.A. Kriksin, P.G. Khalatur, A.R.Khokhlov. Effect of the Supporting Pattern on the Orientation of Hexagonal Morphology in Thin Films of Diblock Copolymers // Polymer Science, Ser. A, 2010 V.52, No. 6, p. 645.

13. Y.A. Kriksin, I.V. Neratova, P.G. Khalatur, A.R.Khokhlov. Pattern multiplication by template-guided self-assembly of cylinder-forming copolymers: Field-theoretic and particle-based simulations // Chem. Phys. Lett., 2010 V.492, p. 103.

14. Y.A.Kriksin, P.G.Khalatur, I.V.Neratova, A.R.Khokhlov, L.A.Tsarkova. Directed Assembly of Block Copolymers by Sparsely Patterned Substrates // J. Phys. Chem. C, 2011, V. 115. P.25185.

15. I.Eruchimovich, Y.Kriksin, G. ten Brinke. The diamond and other non-conventional morphologies in two-scale multiblock AB copolymers // Soft Matter, 2012, V. 8, P. 2159.

16. Y.A.Kriksin, P.G.Khalatur. Parallel algorithm for 3D SCF Simulation of copolymers with flexible and rigid blocks // Macromol. Theory Simul., 2012, V. 21, P. 382.

17. V. Markov, Y. Kriksin, I. Erukhimovich, and G. ten Brinke. Perpendicular lamellar-in-lamellar and other planar morphologies in A-b-(B-b-A)2-b-C and (B-b-A)2-b-C ternary multiblock copolymer melts // J. Chem. Phys., 2013, V.139, N 084906. 18. Yu. A. Kriksin, S.H. Tung, P. G. Khalatur, and A. R. Khokhlov. Spontaneous Origination of Chirality in Melts of Diblock Copolymers with Rigid and Flexible Blocks // Polymer Science, Ser. C, 2013, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 74–85.

19. Yu. A. Kriksin, P. G. Khalatur, and A. R. Khokhlov. Orientational Ordering in Blends of Flexible and Rigid Diblock Copolymers // Polymer Science, Ser. C, 2013, Vol. 55, No. 1, pp. 86–93.

20. I. Erukhimovich, Y. Kriksin. Diamond-Forming Block Copolymers and Diamond-like Morphologies: a New Route towards efficient Block Copolymer Membranes? // Bulletin of the American Physical Society, APS March Meeting 2014 Volume 59, Number 1. Monday–Friday, March 3–7, 2014; Denver, Colorado (http://meetings.aps.or g/link/BAPS.2014.MAR.F19.11).

21. I. Erukhimovich, Y. Kriksin, G. ten Brinke. Diamond-Forming Block Copolymers and Diamond-like Morphologies: A New Route toward Efficient Block Copolymer Membranes // Macromolecules 2015, 48, 7909−7922.

22. Y. Kriksin, I. Erukhimovich, G. ten Brinke. Self-Consistent Field Theory within Hildebrand Approximation: Microphase Separation in Gradient Copolymers. Macromol. Theory & Simulations. 2016, 25(5), 466 - 474. DOI: 10.1002/mats.201600018.

23. I. Erukhimovich, Y. Kriksin, G. ten Brinke. Ordering Lamellar-Forming Copolymer Thin Films in 3D Bicontinuous Morphologies via Lamellar Patterned Substrate. Macromolecules 2017, 50, 3922−3932. DOI: 10.1021/acs.macromol.6b02692.

24. 4. Yu. A. Kriksin, I. I. Potemkin, P. G. Khalatur. Chirality in Self-Assembling Rod-Coil Copolymers: Macroscopic Homochirality Versus Local Chirality. Polymer Science, Series C, 2018, 60, Suppl. 1, S135–S147.

25. Y. A. Kriksin, V. F. Tishkin. Hybrid Approach to Solve Single-Dimensional Gas Dynamics Equations // Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 2019, 11 (2), 256–265.

26. I. Erukhimovich, Y. Kriksin. Thermodynamics of 3D diamond-like epitaxial (film) morphologies on 1D modulated substrate: Weak crystallization theory. Journal of Chemical Physics, 2019, 150 (21), 224701-1 - 224701-11.

27. Y. A. Kriksin, V. F. Tishkin. Variational Entropic Regularization of the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Gasdynamic Equations. Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 2019, 11 (6), 1032–1040.

28. Y. Kriksin, I. Erukhimovich. Macrophase versus Microphase Separation in Solutions of Block Copolymers: Lifshitz Line in the Energetic Parameter’s Space. Macromol. Theory Simul. 2020, 2000044-1 - 2000044-8.

29. M. D. Bragin, Y. A. Kriksin, V. F. Tishkin. Discontinuous Galerkin Method with an Entropic Slope Limiter for Euler Equations. Mathematical Models and Computer Simulations, 2020, 12 (5), 824–833.


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Last update: June 6, 2022