
Список использованных источников:

[Ein36] Einstein, A., Physics and reality, Franklin Institute Journal vol.221, pp. 313-357, 1936.
[Hey91] Heylighen, F., Joslyn, C., and Turchin, V. A short introduction to the Principia Cybernetica project, Journal of Ideas, Vol.2,No 1, pp.26-29, 1991. см.: Principia Cybernetica Project, http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be
[Sch77] Schank,R.C. and Abelson, R.P. Scripts, Plans, Goals, and Understanding. Lawrence Erlbaum, Hillside, N.J. 1977.
[Tur77] Turchin,V.F. The Phenomenon of Science, Columbia University Press, 1977. (на русском: Турчин В.Ф. Феномен науки: Кибернетический подход к эволюции. Изд. 2-е - М.: ЭТС, 2000.http://www.ets.ru/turchin/)
[Tur87] Turchin, V.F. A constructive interpretation of the full set theory, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol.52, pp.172-201, 1987.
[Tur90] Turchin, V.F. and Joslyn, C., The Cybernetic Manifesto, Kybernetes, vol.19, Nos.2 (pp.63-64) and 3 (pp. 52-55), 1990. см.: http://www.ets.ru/turchin/kiberman.htm
[Tur91] Turchin, V.F. Cybernetics and Philosophy, The Cybernetics of Complex Systems - Self-organization, Evolution and Social Change, Proceedings of the 8-th International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, Axel Duwe, Intersystem Publications, pp.61-74 (1991).
