The SPIDER code is an axisymmetric fixed boundary plasma equilibrium solver for
different formulations of the tokamak plasma equilibrium problem.
Plasma with nested magnetic surfaces and a single magnetic axis limited by prescribed fixed
boundary is assumed. Any reasonable set of two flux functions that can define toroidal
current density profile (right hand side of the Grad-Shafranov equilibrium equation) can be
prescribed as an input.
High speed of the SPIDER code and high accuracy of computations make the code
a powerful tool to solve complicated toroidal plasma equilibrium problems (such as plasma
equilibrium with high beta, with high elongation of the plasma boundary, with low aspect ratio
and with large Shafranov shift, with x-point at the plasma boundary, plasma profiles with
reverse shear and with nonzero current density at plasma boundary etc.). Simple input
and output formats make possible to use the SPIDER code in many tokamak plasma applications.
Данная работа представляет вычислительный код SPIDER, предназначенный для расчёта
аксиально-симметричного равновесия плазмы с заданной фиксированной границей для различных
формулировок задачи равновесия плазмы токамака.
Предполагается, что плазма ограничена заданной фиксированной границей и обладает
вложенными магнитными поверхностями при наличии единственной магнитной оси. В качестве входных
параметров задачи могут быть заданы любые две из традиционно задаваемых потоковых функций,
определяющих профиль плотности тороидального тока плазмы (правую часть уравнения равновесия
Высокая скорость и точность кода делают его мощным инструментом для решения сложных
задач расчёта равновесия тороидальной плазмы, таких как: равновесие с высокими β, с большой
вытянутостью границы плазмы, с малым аспектным отношением, с большим смещением магнитной оси,
при задании границы плазмы с х-точкой, для профилей тороидальной плотности тока с обращенным
широм, в случае ненулевой тороидальной плотности тока на границе плазмы и т.д. Простой и
наглядный формат входных и выходных данных делает код SPIDER вполне доступным для эксплуатации
и использования во многих приложениях, связанных с расчётами плазмы токамака.
1. Introduction
…………………………………………. 4
Mathematical model ………………………………… 6
Finite-difference scheme ……………………………. 10
Iteration process …………………………………….. 12
5. Test simulations ……………………………………… 16
Examples of runs and Figures………………………
7. References
…………………………………………... 24
1. Introduction
Tokamak plasma
equilibrium computation is a fundamental problem of magnetic confinement
studies. Many plasma processes, including linear and early nonlinear stages of
magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) instabilities, plasma evolution and transport,
plasma flows, waves and turbulence, represent different kinds of deviations
from MHD equilibrium. Thus they require accurate calculations of plasma
equilibrium configurations (see, for example, Refs. [1-8]).
In this paper we describe an axisymmetric fixed boundary
plasma equilibrium solver - the SPIDER code - for solving the tokamak
equilibrium problem based on the nonlinear Grad-Shafranov equilibrium equation
with different sets of prescribed profiles, e.g. and , and , and . Here is the plasma
pressure, is the poloidal
current, is the safety factor, is the averaged
parallel to the magnetic field component of the current density, is the poloidal flux.
The SPIDER code output consists of the magnetic surfaces coordinates and other
equilibrium magnetic field characteristics.
Because of the nonlinearity of the Grad-Shafranov equation
all numerical methods for equilibrium calculation are iterative. Conventionally
they can be subdivided into two classes:
Eulerian, that use a
prescribed (e.g., rectangular or conformal to the plasma boundary) mesh
calculation as, for example, in Refs. [8-14];
Lagrangian, that use curvilinear flux
coordinates and adaptive to magnetic surfaces mesh for equilibrium calculations
as in Refs. [7], [15-20], [26-35].
Eulerian methods have an advantage of being able to easily
reproduce the two-dimensional geometry of complicated configurations as in Ref.
[10]. They are widely used for simulations of equilibrium control in tokamaks
as in Refs. [21], [36-38] and for the interpretation of experimental magnetic
measurements (e.g. Refs. [22-24]). The disadvantage of those methods is in
their limited range of formulations of equilibrium problems, restricted
essentially to a prescribed right hand side of the Grad-Shafranov equation.
Formulations requiring other input profiles are difficult to implement due to a
necessity of frequent magnetic surface coordinate computing and averaging over
them, as discussed in Ref. [25].
Lagrangian methods have an advantage in permitting to
solve wide range of problems. Any set of
two one-dimensional functions of the radial flux coordinate, that uniquely
determines the current density and the pressure profile, can be used in flux coordinate
methods. A disadvantage of flux coordinate methods consists in
difficulties treating free boundary
plasma equilibrium, especially with a separatrix (see, e.g., Ref. [7]).
Methods, that use flux coordinates, in turn, can be
subdivided into two types:
variational (Refs. [16], [19], [28-30]) and inverse
coordinate (Refs. [17], [31-32], [35]) methods;
adaptive grid methods (Refs. [15], [18], [33, 34]).
Variational and inverse
coordinate codes solve equations in which unknowns are flux coordinates
themselves. Adaptive grid codes solve equilibrium equation on given curvilinear
grid and then use the numerical solution for advancing the computational grid
and adjustment of the flux coordinate system.
The theory of
perturbed equilibrium approach for solving the Grad-Shafranov equation for
different formulations of the tokamak equilibrium problem has been described in
Ref. [39]. The discrepancy between nonlinear equation and its linear analog in
that work brings in the main contribution. Such approach is particularly
adequate for the adaptive grid codes (such as Ref. [15]) and can use
constraints, which are specific to the each equilibrium problem. However, it is
more complicated to implement this approach in the variational methods or
inverse variable codes due to the difficulty in the lineralization of
equilibrium equations used in those codes (although some attempts have been
made, for example, in Ref. [16] with successful results presented in Ref.
In this paper we
describe the SPIDER code - an axisymmetric fixed boundary plasma equilibrium
solver, which is based on an adaptive grid approach.
The main restriction of the code consists in
an assumption of nested magnetic surfaces with a single magnetic axis in
The main
achievements of the code are in the increased computational speed and high
accuracy of resolution of both differential plasma equilibrium problem and its
discrete model.
The SPIDER code was
thoroughly tested by means of both analytical tests and comparison with such
well-known equilibrium solvers as POLAR-2D ( KIAM, Ref. [32, 33] ), CAXE (
KIAM, Ref. [34] ) and EFIT ( GA, Ref. [40] ).
At the present
moment the SPIDER code is used in such ITER Central Team codes as PET ( KIAM,
Ref. [8, 38] ), DINA ( TRINITI, Ref. [36,37] ) and ASTRA (Kurchatov Institute,
Ref. [41] ).
Despite of large
number of tokamak fixed boundary plasma equilibrium codes and long history of
their development, there is still a demand for accurate, fast and robust code,
which can be used for extensive calculations of complicated toroidal plasma
equilibrium problems: such as plasma equilibrium with high beta, high elongation of the plasma boundary, low aspect
ratio and large Shafranov shift, with x-point at plasma boundary, plasma with
reverse shear current density profile, and nonzero current density at plasma
boundary etc. Large number of tests and real device numerical simulations show
(in authors opinion) that the SPIDER code meets all the above-mentioned
2. Mathematical model
In the case of an
axisymmetric plasma configuration in a magnetic plasma confinement device
(tokamak type) the following vector equations:
(where- gas kinetics isotropic plasma pressure, - magnetic field
vector, - plasma current
density vector) can be reduced into a well known scalar Grad-Shafranov equation
given by (2.1), (2.2) for poloidal flux function .
The SPIDER code is designed for numerical solving of the Grad-
Shafranov axisymmetric fixed boundary plasma equilibrium problem
, , (2.1)
where - cylindrical coordinate system associated with plasma
configuration symmetry axis, - plasma domain in plane, is the poloidal
magnetic flux function, is the toroidal plasma current density:
, (2.2)
Here is the plasma pressure
profile, is the toroidal component of the magnetic field vector
potential, is the toroidal
component of the magnetic field, is the poloidal magnetic flux (measured from symmetry axis ), is the poloidal
current (measured from the symmetry axis ):
, ,
where is the poloidal
surface, enclosed by circular line in toroidal direction passing through the point.
Assuming presence of the nested surfaces with a single
magnetic axis we can define plasma toroidal flux and current in the following
where is toroidal
cross-section of magnetic surface .
The following
boundary condition at the plasma boundary curve is used in the SPIDER
, . (2.3)
It is assumed that plasma
boundary is prescribed. There are two possibilities to set plasma
boundary in the SPIDER code:
by means of the following analytical formulas:
, (2.4)
where are coordinates of the
geometric center of the plasma boundary, - poloidal angle in plane, is the plasma boundary
aspect ratio, is the plasma boundary
elongation and is the plasma boundary
, (2.5)
where are the upper and
lower elongations respectively, are the upper and
lower triangularities respectively. Of course it is possible to use any other
appropriate analytical formulas.
2. by means of prescribed boundary points coordinates
array: .
are following settings for axisymmetric
fixed boundary equilibrium problem in the SPIDER code:
1. Setting with prescribed - right hand side
(2.2) of the Grad-Shafranov equation (2.1) and toroidal plasma current value , i.e. with prescribed
profiles as functions of normalized poloidal flux and with toroidal plasma current value given by
. (2.6)
There are two possibilities to set profiles in the SPIDER code:
by means of the analytical formulas:
, (2.7)
course it is possible to use any other appropriate analytical formulas.
by means of prescribed arrays.
2. Setting with prescribed profiles and safety factor as functions
of normalized poloidal flux and with prescribed
value of poloidal flux in plasma . Inside plasma domain the poloidal current function is connected with safety factor as follows:
where integral is taken along
the magnetic surface toroidal cross-section
There are two possibilities to
set profile for the problem setting 2 with the prescribed safety factor
by means of analytical formula:
Of course it is possible to
use any other appropriate analytical formulas.
by means of prescribed arrays: .
There is another possibility to set
the profile of in the SPIDER code by
means of prescribed arrays: .
In any considered setting of the equilibrium problem there
is possibility to prescribe the value of
poloidal beta by means of rescaling
the pressure profile .
In the SPIDER code the value of poloidal beta is defined in the
following manner:
The total beta is defined as:
where - vacuum toroidal
field value at the plasma center and
where - the plasma volume.
Finite-difference scheme
The computational domain is covered by a
computational grid, which is topologically equivalent to a radially-annular
grid and it is used as initial guess for construction of final magnetic surface
adaptive grid.
The SPIDER code discrete model is based on magnetic surface adaptive
grid finite-difference method with 9-points difference scheme.
A priori unknown adaptive grid has radially-annular structure:
, , (3.1)
where is the adaptive radial
direction variable, is the poloidal angle
direction variable. Grid lines form the set of nested
magnetic surfaces where labels magnetic axis
location, labels magnetic
surface and labels plasma boundary
curve . Grid lines are chosen to be
The difference analog of the Grad-Shafranov operator (2.1) is constructed
on the basis of the conservative finite-difference approximation of the operator by means of
the operator-variational scheme [42].
Let us consider a vector potential of the poloidal
magnetic field with only one
non-trivial toroidal projection, connected with the poloidal magnetic flux as follows:
, (3.2)
where - the unit vector in
toroidal angle direction. Then
Grad-Shafranov operator (2.1) can be written
in the form of the non-trivial projection of the operator on toroidal
angle direction:
, (3.3)
or in a scalar form
. (3.4)
For any two dimensional cell of our 2D
radially-annular grid we can construct corresponding three dimensional cell,
which is a body of rotation of this 2D cell in the direction.
The difference approximation of the
vector potential is determined by means
of the orthogonal projections on the edges of the 3D cell. In our case we have
only non-trivial projections on the edges in toroidal direction:
. (3.5)
The difference approximation of the operator in terms of
its orthogonal projections on the unit normals to the faces of the 3D cell is
constructed on the basis of the invariant definition, that is valid for an
arbitrary infinitesimal area with a boundary curve :
, (3.6)
where is the unit vector
normal to the face. A direct
approximation of (3.6) on the faces of
the 3D cell gives the following approximation of the orthogonal projections of
the :
, (3.7)
where , , and are corresponding
lengths of the 2D cell edges. These projections are related to the centers of
the corresponding faces of the 3D cell.
In turn the difference approximation
of the operator is determined
by means of the orthogonal projections on the edges of the 3D cell and is
related to the their centers. For construction of the operator the difference
analog of the following integral theorem is used:
. (3.8)
Iteration process
Let us denote finite difference approximation of the Grad-Shafranov
equation (2.1) on the adaptive grid (3.1) by means of subscript
. (4.1)
The final purpose of solving of the
discrete problem (4.1) with corresponding boundary conditions approximation
consists in the finding both unknown coordinates of magnetic surface adaptive
grid (3.1) and desired unknown discrete function in the nodes of this
Let us assume that the adaptive grid coordinates and the
corresponding numerical solution for iteration number are known. Then the
iteration loop of the SPIDER code consist of the following two parts.
The first part implies that we solve the linear problem with respect
to on known adaptive grid
. (4.2)
The second part implies that we construct new approximation of the
unknown adaptive grid assuming that
prescribed grid lines coincide
with lines of closed
magnetic surfaces.
Let us note that the matrix of the linear algebraic equations (4.2) depends on adaptive
grid coordinates. Therefore, we need to invert this matrix on each iteration
step . As the matrix inversion on each iteration step is very
expensive, a combination of direct and iterative methods is employed to solve the equations (4.2) more
efficiently in course of adaptive grid iterations. With this in mind let us
, . (4.3)
Because matrix changes very slowly
from iteration to iteration, the inverse matrix is close to the matrix
. Therefore we can write
, (4.4)
matrix can be used as a
"preconditioner" for some fast iterative method.
Finally instead of the matrix
inversion on each iteration step we use the following iterative procedure:
for iteration step we compute the inverse
matrix and solve equations (4.2);
for the next iteration steps
equations (4.2) are solved by means of some fast iterative method using as a
"preconditioner" the matrix in the right hand side of the equation
In the SPIDER code the following variants of the grid
adaptation variable may be used:
1. ,
where - normalized poloidal
flux, - normalized toroidal
Let us
consider in more detail iteration process for equilibrium problem with
prescribed safety factor profile.
On the basis of averaged 1D Kruscal-Kulsrud equilibrium
and relations between currents
and fluxes in axisymmetric configuration
, , , , (4.6)
we can rewrite averaged 1D
equilibrium equation in the following form
. (4.7)
Here coefficients are determined only by
means of magnetic surfaces geometry. Assuming that the derivative = in (4.6) , we define
the coefficients with the help of the
following formulae
, , (4.8)
where is the magnetic
surface volume.
On the basis of 1D
relation (4.7) the following iteration process works very well for solving
fixed boundary tokamak equilibrium problem with prescribed safety factor profile:
let us know magnetic surface geometry and all
required magnetic surface functions on iteration number n;
we can solve 1D equation (4.7) on
"frozen" 1D flux grid
prescribed boundary values and .
and obtain and ;
we can make the Picard iteration for solving of the
2D Grad-Shafranov equilibrium equation
(2.1) on "frozen" 2D grid
and on the basis of
this solution fulfill the construction of new approximation of 2D adaptive grid
(i.e. magnetic surfaces coordinates);
(4.) after step (3.) we can compute all required magnetic
surface functions on iteration number and go to the
beginning of the iteration loop.
Let us
consider in more detail iteration process for equilibrium problem with
prescribed profile.
Taking into account that
and relations (4.5), (4.6) we
can obtain the following set of two 1D nonlinear equations for unknowns and :
with the following boundary
and ,
where - vacuum poloidal
current value – is prescribed.
We can solve system of 1D
equations (4.10) on "frozen" 1D flux grid to obtain , and taking into account (4.6) relations between
currents and fluxes, and get .
As in the case of prescribed
safety factor profile, we can make the Picard iteration
for solving of the 2D Grad-Shafranov equilibrium equation (2.1) on
"frozen" 2D grid (3.1)
and on the basis of this
solution fulfill the construction of new approximation of 2D adaptive grid
(i.e. magnetic surfaces coordinates).
5. Test simulations
Validation of the code against exact
solution on the set of the different grid sizes and plasma parameters has been
carried out. For this test the following
formulas of the exact solution were taken from
[43], p.132 :
c0 , where ,
, ,
, , .
Parameter was chosen to satisfy .
The results of simulations for
different values of plasma aspect ratio , elongation and triangularity are presented at the
table № 1. Calculated values of coordinate of magnetic axis and corresponding
poloidal flux value are compared to the
exact values , for different values
of grid size . It is seen that difference between numerical and exact
solution is quite small. It is necessary to point
out, that accuracy of numerical solution convergence from grid size is
Table № 1.
6. Examples of runs and Figures
Several examples of the SPIDER code runs are presented in
this section.
The first case
corresponds to high beta poloidal and prescribed reverse
shear averaged current density profile with circular plasma
boundary shape. Results of simulation are shown in Figs. 1-3. It is seen that
magnetic axes is shifted far away from the plasma geometrical center.
In the second case,
plasma equilibrium with a high plasma boundary elongation is calculated. This
case demonstrates that code can reliably calculate quite exotic equilibrium
configuration without problems. Results of simulation are shown in Figs.
As an example for
the third case, plasma boundary with a single X-point has been chosen. This
example shows, that code can be used to simulate realistic tokamak experiments
with diverted plasma. Results are shown in the Figs. 7-10.
Fig.1 Magnetic surfaces adaptive grid: , given .
Fig.2 Plasma profiles versus normalized : safety factor , poloidal current , current density profile parameters and
Fig.3. Plasma profiles versus
normalized : safety factor , poloidal current , current density profile parameters and averaged .
Fig.4. Magnetic surfaces
adaptive grid: plasma elongation
Fig.5. Plasma profiles versus
normalized : safety factor , poloidal current , current density profile parameters and .
Fig.6. Plasma profiles versus
normalized : safety factor , poloidal current , current density profile parameters and averaged .
Fig.7. Magnetic
surfaces adaptive grid: diverted plasma.
Fig.8. Plasma toroidal current density: diverted
Fig.9. Plasma profiles versus
normalized : safety factor , poloidal current , current density profile parameters and .
Fig.10. Plasma profiles versus
normalized : safety factor , averaged magnetic field , averaged toroidal current density , poloidal current .
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