Influence of defects on electromagnetic fields in the problem of diagnostic of ferromagnetic pipes

Preprint, Inst. Appl. Math., the Russian Academy of Science
(Ðàñ÷åò âëèÿíèÿ äåôåêòîâ ñëîæíîé ñòðóêòóðû íà ýëåêòðîìàãíèòíîå ïîëå â çàäà÷å äèàãíîñòèêè ôåððîìàãíèòíûõ òðóá)

I.L.Sofronov, N.A.Zaitsev
(Ñîôðîíîâ È.Ë., Çàéöåâ Í.À.)

Russian Academy of Science, Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics
ÈÏÌ èì. Ì.Â.Êåëäûøà ÐÀÍ

Moscow, 2006

This work was supported by RFBR grant ¹ 04-01-00567

Ðàáîòà âûïîëíåíà ïðè ôèíàíñîâîé ïîääåðæêå Ðîññèéñêîãî ôîíäà ôóíäàìåíòàëüíûõ èññëåäîâàíèé (ïðîåêò ¹ 04-01-00567)

Introduction: short description of the 3D algorithm


In [1] we have proposed a numerical method of calculating harmonic three-dimensional electromagnetic field in the metallic pipes with local defects. The goal of the present paper is to describe the modifications of the algorithm which allows computing fields around relatively small or complex defects.


In this section we give short description of the initial algorithm.


We consider one or several coaxial cylindrical pipes that can have defects like pits or holes. For the simplicity we will consider the case of a single pipe, although the algorithm permits to compute the case of several coaxial pipes. The cylindrical system of coordinates with the same axes  as the pipe(s) is used. It is supposed that the defects can be approximated by a set of hexahedral cells.


In order to avoid solution of a full external problem we subdivide it onto two stages. First the unperturbed two-dimensional field in the domain


is calculated for the clean pipes (without defects) or for the pipes with 2D defects (which do not depend on the azimuth angle) with a given geometry and excitation conditions. Then a smaller three-dimensional subdomain (box)


with the given defect is considered, and the three-dimensional problem for Maxwell equations with Dirichlet boundary conditions of the electrical field on the external boundaries is solved, see Figure 1 and Figure 2.


Figure 1. Computational domain, cross-section at θ=const


The two-dimensional unperturbed problem is solved by the algorithm described in [2]; so we have the solution for the azimuth component  of the vector potential of an axis-symmetric background solution. For the three-dimensional problem the electrical field  is represented in the box by sum of vector and scalar potentials


with the boundary values                                                          



It is supposed that the box is big enough to believe that the Dirichlet conditions from unperturbed problem can provide a required accuracy of modeling.



Figure 2. Computational domain, cross-section at z=const


The three-dimensional problem in the box is solved by the multigrid iteration method starting from the two-dimensional solution as an initial guess.


In order to overcome the known difficulties with kernel of the Maxwell equations, see, for example, [3], we use the following modified Maxwell equations written for the fixed frequency () in media with a non-constant magnetic permeability , conductivity , and electrical permittivity  :

where  is a given source current density,  is an auxiliary function, and  is an auxiliary constant, see details in the cited paper.


This system is not the final one. It is possible to reduce the system to the second-order equations with 4 unknown scalar functions: three components of the vector potential  and the scalar potential :



In the cylindrical system of coordinates


the system of equations for components of the vector potential ,


and the scalar potential  is approximated with the second order of accuracy by the following system of difference equations:






We write the system of the algebraic equations in matrix form for the vector of unknowns




as follows:




where  is a number of the unknown function (corresponds to the superscript of ),  is the equation vector number (number of the matrix row).


The system has a large conditional number because of a non-uniform grid and discontinuous coefficients on the metal-air boundaries. That is why finding of solution to this system is another difficult problem. We have observed that the multigrid algorithm is a most effective one in both computational time and memory. In [1] we described our implementation of the multigrid method applying to the problem. In particular, we decided to make additional smoother iterations in the “singular” subdomains just after the prolongation operator. The correction function is changed locally in these subdomains (having several points width), and it becomes sharper near the air/metal boundary. Evidently this procedure is sufficiently computationally cheap, and it can be treated as a special kind of the interpolation correspondent to the solution structure. The procedure can be called the local smoother.


The rest of the paper we devote to computing electromagnetic fields in cases of small, multiple, or complex defects. Namely, we discuss ways to safe required computational resources: some “technical” tricks and so called embedded grids approach.


2  Increase of grid volume of solving problems


There exists a limitation to the grid volume for the Windows PC (2 GB application memory). That is why we made additional efforts to increase the possible grid volume which can be processed using PCs.


A variant of modifying matrix  by eliminating the unknowns at the boundary points from the vector  has been examined. Such elimination is possible because the values  are explicitly defined at the boundary points (Dirichlet conditions). So the corresponding entries are put to the right-hand-side. One of the advantages of such modification is a noticeable reduction of the number of unknowns, especially for the coarse grids of the multigrid algorithm. For instance, in case of  grid cells in each direction, the number of difference equations is , the number of the boundary entries is about  (the condition of periodicity was taken into account earlier).


The following renormalization of matrix  rows gives an additional advantage while eliminating the boundary points: we multiply by , by , by , and by . Thus the solution of the system remains the same but the matrix  becomes symmetrical (the factor  provides independency of the matrix norms on the coarse/fine grid). The matrix symmetry property permits to double reduce the memory for matrix elements keeping.


One of the possible ways of computer’s memory saving is also taking into account a structure of the coefficient matrix  for our difference equations. From formulas it is clear, that overwhelming number of coefficients are either purely imaginary, or purely real, and only coefficients for some unknowns have nonzero both imaginary and real parts. At the same time, to store a complex number we need 2 times more main memory, than for a real number. Therefore, from the point of view of memory’s saving, it is natural to store coefficients of difference equations not as complex numbers, but as pair of independent real numbers. Using of a standard storage method for sparse matrices allows not storing zero which correspond to nonzero real or imaginary parts of coefficients of a matrix . Although we must form two arrays of indices: for real and imaginary parts separately.


Formally it is expressed as follows: let’s expand complex matrix  into a sum of real matrices  and :



To save each matrix we need 3 arrays which can be described as follows:


real*8 A(M_Re), B(M_Im)

integer col_A(M_Re),col_B(M_Im)

integer addr_row_A(N+1), addr_row_B(N+1)



N is a number of difference equations (rows of matrix ),

M_Re is a number of elements with a nonzero real part in a matrix  (number of nonzero elements in a matrix ),

M_Im is number of elements with a nonzero imaginary part in a matrix  (number of nonzero elements in a matrix ),

A and B are arrays of nonzero elements in matrices  and  which are stored row-wisely,

addr_row_A is an array of addresses which point out to the beginning of nonzero coefficients of a corresponding line of a matrix ,

col_A is an array of matrix  columns numbers which correspond to nonzero elements of a matrix .


If we want to apply for a coefficient of the matrix , the number addr_row_A(i) specifies the address of the beginning of information about nonzero elements in the i-th row of . This information is stored in arrays A and col_A. And the number addr_row_A(i+1) specifies the address of the beginning of information about nonzero elements in the (i+1)-th row. Nonzero elements of the i-th row of a matrix  are stored in a subarray A(addr_row_A(i):addr_row_A(i+1)-1). Numbers of columns, they belong to, are stored in a subarray col_A(addr_row_A(i):addr_row_A(i+1)-1) on positions with the same index. Therefore, to learn a value of the coefficient , it is necessary to try to find a number  such, that col_A(k)=j. If k exists then = A(k). Otherwise =0.


The matrix  is similarly stored and processed.


To reduce number of arrays (and parameters of subroutines) it is possible to unite pairs of arrays: A and B in AiB, col_A and col_B in col_AiB. Also all elements of an array addr_row_B must be increased by value M_Re.


In process of iterations of the multigrid algorithm it is necessary to calculate the vector  many times; every j-th vector’s element is computed from the formula


We can write , . Therefore


But in most cases either  or . Therefore either




and it is advantageous to transfer vector’s multiplication by a matrix  to real arithmetic. For the vector  with elements  this procedure is carried out by the following fragment of the Fortran code:


do i=1,N



   do j=addr_row_A(i),addr_row_A(i+1)-1




   do j=addr_row_B(i),addr_row_B(i+1)-1






As the result of tricks described above one can use comparably large grid. For illustration properties we present two examples.



2.1 Modeling of the conical defect


In this example we consider the outer conical defect having 50% depth, 16mm top diameter (on the wall surface) and 2.7mm bottom diameter. This defect is located inside the uniform grid box of 8 r-cells, 16 -cells, and 16 z-cells. Each cell is considered as the “metal” one if it lies strongly outside the cone.  The box is a part of the whole non-uniform (r,  ,z) grid having the volume 56´80´80 cells. In Figure 3 the component  of EM field inside the pipe (with 6mm standoff) near the box (black frame) with defect is shown.


Frame 001
Created with Tecplot 9.0-2-3

Figure 3. Conical defect: Top and bottom cone circles are drawn by the dark gray color and white color correspondingly; uniform grid box is drawn by the black color. The component  of EM field inside the pipe is mapped also.


Figure 4. Conical defect: component  of EM field inside the pipe is mapped


In Figure 4 the same field  as in Figure  is presented but as a 3D graph.

In this example we use four grid levels. The graph of the residual history is shown in Figure 5. We stop the iterations after 15 MG cycles. Each MG cycle requires about 50 multiplications of the “main” matrix on the finest grid.  One can observe that the convergence rate is sharply drops after 11-th cycle. This is a typical behavior and we can not still overcome this effect. Note that already 10 MG cycles are enough in this example to obtain the solution with required accuracy.

Figure 5. Convergence history for 4 grid levels, the finest grid is 56´80´80


2.2 Modeling of two defects


Here we model the situations with two “square” defects which are rectangular parallelepipeds in coordinates (r,θ,z). Both defects have 50% depth and 16mm side. We consider two cases of location of the defects, the sequential and the diagonal location, see the scheme in Figure 6. The coordinate  is shown by the dashed line. The grid has 60´56´72 cells.


Figure 6. Two 16mm´16mm defects located in the sequential (left) and diagonal (right) order. Top view on the pipe wall,

Frame 001
Created with Tecplot 9.0-2-3Frame 001
Created with Tecplot 9.0-2-3

Figure 7. Amplitude of the -component of the magnetic field;
sequential (top) and diagonal (bottom) defects


Frame 001
Created with Tecplot 9.0-2-3Frame 001
Created with Tecplot 9.0-2-3

Figure 8. Phase of the -component of the magnetic field;
sequential (top) and diagonal (bottom) defects

Frame 001
Created with Tecplot 9.0-2-3Frame 001
Created with Tecplot 9.0-2-3

Figure 9. Amplitude of the -component of the magnetic field;
sequential (top) and diagonal (bottom) defects

Frame 001
Created with Tecplot 9.0-2-3Frame 001
Created with Tecplot 9.0-2-3

Figure 10. Phase of the -component of the magnetic field;
sequential (top) and diagonal (bottom) defects

Figure 7 – Figure 10 show amplitude and phase fields of - and -components of the magnetic field for two cases of location of the defects mentioned above.


3 Embedded grids (zoom method )


In our structured computational grid the smallest cells are located near a defect. Far from defect the cells are increased in direction of changing of the correspondent index, i.e. non-uniformly. Therefore there are regions with very thin cells up to the borders of the computational domain. Superfluous computational points essentially increase resources which are necessary to solve tasks (memory and time). But these points do not increase the accuracy of the result. To get over this issue it is proposed to use a zoom method which consists in the following.


First, instead of solving original problem



on a sufficiently fine grid, we consider and solve a problem



on a coarser grid. It is selected so that global properties of the solution are kept (in particular, on periphery of a computational domain), but cell-size of this grid is not enough to accurately describe the solution in vicinity of defects. Then the second problem


is solved for refinement of the solution in vicinity of defects on a fine grid but in smaller domain , see sketch in Figure 11.














Figure 11. Small 3D computational domain, cross-section at z=const


Dirichlet boundary conditions for this problem are taken from the solution of the first problem. The boundary should be chosen far enough from the defect to be sure that solution of the first problem is accurate enough there.


It is clear that it is possible to make next step and solve a problem



having applied the zoom method to the solution . However, we restrict us by two steps in this paper.


Almost all necessary information for the solution of a problem using the multigrid method is organized as an array of pointers to structures. Each structure describes one multigrid level. It includes geometrical information, environment properties, arrays of unknown quantities (), coefficients of difference equations, right-hand-sides and some additional information as well as auxiliary arrays.


In particular, in order to implement the MG method for discontinuous coefficients we use additional iterations in the vicinity of coefficients’ contrasts after procedure of correction prolongation from the coarse grid on the fine one of the previous MG-level. Technically it is carried out as follows. Regions of coefficients’ contrasts "are covered" by subregions which form 3-dimensional rectangles in the index space . For each subdomain  all interior unknowns  are additionally iterated in the smoother, i.e. the corresponding subproblems



are solved more accurately.


The subproblem  is formed by those difference equations of the main problem which are corresponded to internal points of the domain. Those unknowns corresponded to an exterior of  or its border are not changed during iterative solution and transferred to the right-hand-side.


Data structure of the problem  for the embedded grid is practically the same as described above. This fact prompts us to use the same solver for solving of the embedded problem, as for host one. But recurrence procedure of the MG solver imposes certain limitations on the structure and use of data. Besides, there are some distinctions in setups of embedded and host problems. And it is necessary to take into account these distinctions and to modify procedures of the ÌG solver to treat both host and embedded problems.


Note three main distinctions: 1) unlike the host problem which is periodic for the angle , embedded problem can be both periodic and non-periodic; 2) borders of the embedded problem should match grid lines of the host problem; 3) different number and structure of regions along  in the embedded and host problems.


We shall give results of two tests to demonstrate zoom method’s efficiency.


In the first test the electromagnetic field is calculated for 50% depth outer circular pit having 24 mm diameter. The pipe has internal radius 62.1 mm and 7.7 mm thickness. The results of two computations are compared. The results of the first computation are obtained for a maximal possible single-grid problem ( cells). The results of the second computation are obtained with the help of zoom method when the host problem of  cells and embedded problem of  cells covering defect are solved. Both modeling computations have the same grid in the vicinity of the pit. In Figure 3 the isolines of the absolute value of the function  are drawn on the plane  at radius . The close neighbor lines correspond to first and second computations, respectively.

Figure 3. Isolines of the || at  for two calculations: single  grid and  host +  embedded grids. Grid lines are also shown.


Comparison shows a good coincidence of results. But the volume of the matrix is 8 times less for the second computation, and CPU time is almost 4 times less (since it was necessary to solve two problems).


A problem with 87.5% depth outer circular pit having diameter 6 mm is solved in the second test. The wall thickness is 8mm (i.e. the remaining wall thickness is 1mm). First the defect is resolved on the single grid of  cells volume. Amplitude of the function  near the defect at the section  is shown in Figure 4. This is the minimal possible resolution because only four grid cells put on the pit diameter and rest wall (i.e. solution will be too inaccurate if we put less than four grid cells on these thin structures).


It is difficult to estimate the accuracy of the solution since the resources of PC are not enough to double resolution of the grid. However, with the help of an embedded grid it became possible to calculate the defect on a smaller domain for a grid  which has 2 times less step size in each direction. Solutions obtained on the coarse and fine (embedded) grids are shown in Figure 5.


Figure 4. Isolines of || for the single  grid solution at  the section . Mesh (grey), pipe (vertical solid) and defect (dashed) are shown as well.



We also present graph of || along z-line at , see Figure 6. One can observe that both solutions are close to each other, although finer grid provides a better resolution of course. More precisely, the relative difference of curves is about 4%. For first and second derivatives (which model differential sensors) the relative difference achieves 10% to 20%. Believing that the algorithm has the second order of accuracy, we may conclude that accuracy of the solution on the embedded grid is four times better, i.e. 1% for function and 3% to 5% derivatives. Note that a good agreement of both solutions nearby the defects prompts us to use a smaller domain for the embedded grid, and, therefore, a smaller volume of the latter.


The problem is model, of course, but it illustrates possibilities.

Figure 5. Isolines of || for the single  grid solution  and embedded grid at the section . Embedded mesh (grey), pipe (vertical solid) and defect (dashed) are shown as well.


Figure 6. Function || for the single  grid solution and
embedded grid at  , .


4 Selfconsistent zoom method


In the previous section we have described the following problem formulation of solution refinement in zones of large gradients (regions with defects, sources). Let us have the solution  of electromagnetic problem



on a grid  in domain . Dirichlet boundary conditions for  are imposed using solution of 2D problem in a larger domain, .


Then the solution in a subregion  with defect is refined by introduction of a finer grid  (see Figure 7). The solution  satisfies the equation



with Dirichlet boundary conditions obtained by restriction of the solution  onto the boundary of . The problem looks like , but it can be yet either periodical or non-periodical with respect to .


Figure 7. -grids near a pit: (gray) and (black)

The algorithm is successfully implemented and it is shown that a more accurate solution can be obtained on two grids  or it can be obtained faster than on a single finer grid, see the section above.



Figure 8. Two embedded grids, -plain section:  (fat gray),  (thin solid), and  (thin dashed)


One can consider, in principle, three and more grids: if, for instance, the casing has two defects the embedded grids  and  could be constructed independently with possible intersection, see Figure 8.


Another option with two embedded grids is the nesting structure:  with finer and finer grids , .


An evident drawback of the above approach is absence of influence of solution  on solution , what contradicts the elliptical nature of considered problems. That is why we must take large enough size of  in order to diminish this influence on solution near the defect.


A more “intelligent” possible way to reduce the drawback could be consist in organization of the following iterative process:


§        step #1 is the inconsistent algorithm described above: we find  and  and denote , ;

§        step #n (n=2,3,…) solves:

1.     The problem


in  with a non-zero RHS defined everywhere inside  where the formula


can be calculated;   is an interpolation operator of onto grid points of .

2.     The problem


with the Dirichlet boundary conditions obtained by restriction operation  of the solution  onto the boundary of :



If the iterations converge then one can believe that this the limit solution  is actually the solution of above an “ideal” problem with the grid adaptive refinement (by neglecting influence of a small neighborhood of the boundary of domain : one grid level of for both sides of the boundary).


Therefore one can take a smaller domain  comparing the case of an inconsistent problem.


However our first results did not give the expected enhance of the algorithm efficiency. Moreover the iterations diverge sometimes. There are several reasons of the failure, e.g.: a possible bad construction of the operators  and/or  (the cubic Cartesian interpolation); wrong choice of sizes of the embedded domain, etc. We plan to investigate and overcome the failure in oncoming paper.





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N. Zaitsev and Ivan Sofronov. “Method of calculating low-frequency electromagnetic problems in cylindrical geometry” Preprint of Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics, No. 61, 2004.


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