Calculus mathematics |
Theory of difference schemes and algorithms |
Method of finite elements
Inverse and ill-posed problems |
Adaptive meshes
Risk management |
Prognosis and strategic planning |
Mathematical research |
Ordinary differential equations |
Partial differential equations
Group theory |
Automodel (self-stimulating) solutions
Approximation theory of analytic functions |
Special functions theory |
Cybernetics and discrete mathematics |
Synergetics |
Mathematical modelling in current problems of science and engineering |
Continuum mechanics and heat-mass transfer |
Aerodynamics and gas dynamics
Controlled thermo-nuclear synthesis and plasma physics |
Physics of nuclear reactors |
Astrophysics and planet physics |
Electrodynamics |
Quantum mechanics |
Computational diagnostics and tomography |
Ecology |
Nanotechnologies |
Semiconductor technologies |
Space exploration |
Dynamics of celestial bodies motion |
Ballistic and navigation security of spacecraft flights |
Formation of high-accuracy theories of celestial bodies motion and specification of astronomical constants |
Cosmogony |
Asteroid risk |
Robotics and mechatronics |
Mobile robots |
Methods of group control of robots
Algorithms & software. High autonomy robots. Control under ambiguity |
Remote robot control via Internet
Computing systems |
Architecture of modern supercomputers |
Parallel computation, system and applied software
Computer networks |
Expert and information systems