4. Editing tests

4.2. Structure of the test file
Any test file contains independent "test book" that consists of series of single tests ("test pages"). At any moment one page of the book is displayed in FreeTEST window. The current test page type and number are displayed on the bottom of FreeTEST window along with PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons for navigation between pages. 

4.3. Creating a new test page
To create new test page press appropriate button on the toolbar:
- to add test "Select"   
-  to add test "Input" 
- to add test "Sort" 
New test page will be added after the current page and will displayed in FreeTEST window.
The other way to add new page (of the same type) befor the first or after the lust page is to press NEW TEST button which subsitutes buttons PREVIOUS or NEXT.

4.4.Removing test page
To remove current test page from file select Insert / Remove Test.
It is impossible to remove the lust test page.