Monographs and chapters in monographs and digests
- Ovchinnikov, M.Yu., A view from within, in Sayko E.V. (associate editor), Sayko E.V., Trukhan, N.M. (eds.), Existence extending to infinity. In commemoration of centenary of the birth of Boris V. Rauschenbach, Moscow: MIPT Publ., 2014, 65–77.
- Ovchinnikov, M.Yu., Oh, rushing daring trio…, in Shakhnov, V.A. (eds.), Collected popular science articles awarded by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research competition in 2012, Issue 16, Moscow: ITTs MOLNET, 2013, 20–34.
- Ovchinnikov, M.Yu., Magnetic field of the Earth, in Frolov, K.V. et. al. (eds.), Mechanical Engineering. Encyclopaedia, Rocket and space technology. Vol. IV-22, Moscow: Mechanical Engineering / Adzhyan, A.P., Akim, E.L., Olifanov, O.M. et. al.; Legostaev, V.P. (eds.), in 2 books, Book 1, 2012, 36–40.
- Ivanov, D.S., Ovchinnikov, M.Yu., Tkachev, S.S., Balloon payload attitude control system, Proceedings of the 1st IAA Conference on University Satellites Mission and Cubesat Workshop, IAA Book Series, 2012, V. 2, №1, p. 84.
- Ovchinnikov, M.Yu., Ivanov, D.S., Overview of Attitude Control Systems for Cubesats, Proceedings of the 1st IAA Conference on University Satellites Mission and Cubesat Workshop, IAA Book Series, 2012, V. 2, №1, 503–514.
- Ovchinnikov, M.Yu., Kids conquer the world, in Konov, V.I. (eds.), Collected popular science articles awarded the Russian Foundation for Basic Research competition in 2007, Issue 11, Moscow: Oktopus, 2008, 17–29.
- Ovchinnikov, M.Yu., Small Satellites and Problems in their Orientation, in Petrov, A.A. (eds.), Actual Problems in Applied Mathematics, Moscow: M3 Press Publisher, 2005, 197–231.
- Ovchinnikov, M.Yu., Small Satellites: Problems and Tendencies, in “Future of Applied Mathematics. Lectures for Junior Researchers”, Moscow: Editorial URSS Publisher, 2005, 273–300.
- Rauschenbakh, B.V., Ovchinnikov, M.Yu., McKenna Lawlor S., Essential Spaceflight Dynamics and Magnetospherics, Kluwer & Microcosm Publ., 2003.
- Ovchinnikov, M.Yu., Nanosatellites and Present Problems of Space Development, in “Spaces of Life. For the 85th Anniversary of Academician B.V. Rauschenbakh”, Moscow: Nauka, 1999, 172–180.
- Rauschenbakh, B.V., Ovchinnikov, M.Yu., Lectures on Spaceflight Dynamics, Moscow: MIPT Publ., 1997.
- Sarychev, V.A., Ovchinnikov, M.Yu., Magnetic Attitude Control Systems for Artificial Earth Satellites. Survey of Science and Technology. Series: Exploration of Space, Moscow: VINITI, 1985, v.23.