Recent papers in the proceedings of key scientific meetings
- D. Ivanov, N. Ivlev, S. Karpenko, M. Ovchinnikov. Advanced Technique for Kalman Filter Adjustment and Its Implementation Onboard of "TableSat" Microsatellite Series / 2nd IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, 24–26 March, 2014, Roma, Italy. Paper IAA-AAS-DyCoSS2-14-10-05.
- Active Magnetic Attitude Control System Providing Three-axis Inertial Attitude / 2nd IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, 24–26 March, 2014, Roma, Italy. Paper IAA-AAS-DyCoSS2-14-04-03.
- Thruster Failure Recovery Strategies for Libration Point Missions / 2nd IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, 24–26 March, 2014, Roma, Italy. Paper IAA-AAS-DyCoSS2-14-12-07.
- M. Ovchinnikov, V. Penkov, B. Malphrus, K. Brown, D. Roldugin. Active magnetic attitude control algorithms for CXBN-2 CubeSat// Abstracts of 6thEuropean Cubesat Symposium, Estavayer-le-Lac, Switzerland, 14-15 October 2014, p. 84.
- D.S. Ivanov, V.I. Penkov, D.S. Roldugin, M.F. Barschke, K. Briess, N.V. Kupriyanova, Characterization of hysteretic dampers for passive attitude control of Cubesats // Abstracts of 6thEuropean Cubesat Symposium, Estavayer-le-Lac, Switzerland, 14-15 October 2014, p. 85.
- M. Ovchinnikov, R. Roldugin, S. Tkachev, S. Karpenko. New one-axis magnetic attitude control in absence of magnetometer readings // 65th IAC, Toronto, Canada, 29 sep-3 oct 2014. Paper IAC-14-C1.3.1, 9p
- D. Ivanov, S. Shestakov, M. Ovchinnikov. Orbital Dynamics of Formation Flying Un-der Mass-Exchange Novel Control // 65th IAC, Toronto, Canada, 29 sep-3 oct 2014. Paper IAC-14-C1.5.6, 9p.
- M. Shirobokov, S. Trofimov, M. Ovchinnikov, Method of Virtual Trajectories for the Preliminary Design of Multiple Gravity Assist Interplanetary Trajectories, Paper IAC-13.C1.4.1 at the 64rd International Astronautical Congress, Beijing, China, 23–27 September, 2013, 10p.
- S. Trofimov, M. Ovchinnikov, Optimal Low Thrust Deorbiting of Passively Stabilized LEO Satellites, Paper IAC-13-C1.6.4 at the 64rd International Astronautical Congress, Beijing, China, 23–27 Sept, 2013, 10p.
- I.V. Belokonov, I.V. Glukhova, D.S. Ivanov, A.V. Kramlikh, M.Yu. Ovchinnikov, I.A. Timbai, Choice of Project Parameters of the Aerostabilized Nanosatellite for Thermosphere Exploration within QB50 Project, Paper at the 5th European CubeSat Symposium, 3–5 June, 2013, Brussels, Belgium
- M.Yu. Ovchinnikov, D.S. Ivanov, N.A. Ivlev, S.O. Karpenko, D.S. Roldugin, S.S. Tkachev, Experience of the Chibis-M microsatellite attitude control system development and use. Perspectives of modernization. / Book of abstracts of the international meeting “The first results of the Chibis-M project”, Tarusa, Kaluga region, 13–15 February 2013, 14–16.
- M.Yu. Ovchinnikov, S.P.Trofimov, Propellantless deorbiting of small satellites: techniques and perspectives // Digest of the 9th IAA Symposium “Small satellites for Earth observation”, Berlin, 8–12 April, 2013, pp. 507-510, IAA-B9-1406.
- M. Ovchinnikov, D. Ivanov, N. Ivlev, S. Karpenko, D. Roldugin, S. Tkachev. "Chibis-M" Microsatellite ACS Development, Complex Investigation, Laboratory and Flight Testing/ Digest of papers for 9th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, 8–12 April, 2013, Berlin, IAA-B9-1216P, p. 441-444.
- D. Ivanov, M. Ovchinnikov, M. Sakovich, S. Karpenko, Investigation of the Formation Flying Relative Position and Attitude Determination Algorithm Using Image Processing, Paper IWSCFF-2013-06-05 at the 7th International Workshop on Satellite Constellations and Formation Flying, 13–15 March, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal.
- D. Ivanov, S. Shestakov. Investigation of the Possibility of Formation Flying Control by Mass Exchange/ 7th International Workshop on Satellite Constellations and Formation Flying, 13-15 March, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. Paper IWSCFF-2013-05-10.
- M. Ovchinnikov, Attitude Control Systems for Cubesats. Approaches and Methodology, Invited lecture at the 2nd IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions and Cubesat Workshop, 4th-9th FEBRUARY, 2013, “Villa Spada” Centro Logistico, Della Guardia di Finanza, Roma, Italy
- D. Roldugin, M. Ovchinnikov, V. Penkov, Three-axis magnetic attitude control asymptotic study, Paper IAA-CU-13-05-03, at the 2nd IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions and Cubesat Workshop, 4th-9th FEBRUARY, 2013, “Villa Spada” Centro Logistico, Della Guardia di Finanza, Roma, Italy
- D.S. Ivanov, D.S. Roldugin, S. Tkachev, S. Karpenko, N. Ivlev, M. Ovchinnikov, Flight tests of the Chibis-M microsatellite attitude control algorithms. Lecture at the 3rd All-Russian Scientific and Technological Conference “Contemporary Problems of Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control”, 10–13 September, 2012, Tarusa, Kaluga region,12 p.
- D.S. Ivanov, M.A. Sakovich, S.O. Karpenko, M.Yu. Ovchinnikov, Determination of attitude motion of satellites at their separation using image processing. Lecture at the 3rd All-Russian Scientific and Technological Conference “Contemporary Problems of Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control”, 10–13 September, 2012, Tarusa, Kaluga region,12 p.
- M.Yu. Ovchinnikov, D.S. Ivanov, D.S. Roldugin, S.S. Tkachev, S.O. Karpenko, Development of recommendations on the Chibis-M microsatellite attitude control in case of failure of some actuators. Lecture at the 3rd All-Russian Scientific and Technological Conference “Contemporary Problems of Spacecraft Attitude Determination and Control”, 10–13September, 2012, Tarusa, Kaluga region,12 p.
- M.Yu. Ovchinnikov, D. Ivanov, N. Ivlev, S. Karpenko, D. Roldugin, S. Tkachev, Development, complex investigation, laboratory and flight testing of the magneto-gyroscopic ACS for the microsatellite, Paper IAC-12-C1.9.12 at the 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Napoli, Italy, 1–5 October, 2012, 15p.
- M.Yu. Ovchinnikov, Attitude Dynamics of a Small-Sized Satellite Equipped with Hysteresis Damper, Paper IAA-AAS-DyCoSS1-04-03 at 1st IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, Porto, Portugal, 19–21 March, 2012, 20p.
- D.S. Roldugin, and P. Testani, Active magnetic attitude control system for sun-pointing of a spin-stabilized satellite without initial detumbling, Paper at the 1st IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, 19–21 March, 2012, Porto, Portugal, 20p.
- D.S. Ivanov, S.P. Trofimov. Development and Laboratory Verification of Formation Flying Autonomous Navigation and Control Algorithms Used Observing Camera // Proceedings of the VI international summer school “Computer technologies in engineering mechanical problems – 2012”, Moscow: Moscow University Publ., 2012, 83–95.