Доклады, опубликованные в трудах ведущих международных и отечественных конгрессов, конференций, симпозиумов
- M. Ovchinnikov, V. Penkov, B. Malphrus, K. Brown, D. Roldugin. Active magnetic attitude control algorithms for CXBN-2 CubeSat// Abstracts of 6thEuropean Cubesat Symposium, Estavayer-le-Lac, Switzerland, 14-15 October 2014, p. 84.
- D.S. Ivanov, V.I. Penkov, D.S. Roldugin, M.F. Barschke, K. Briess, N.V. Kupriyanova, Characterization of hysteretic dampers for passive attitude control of Cubesats // Abstracts of 6thEuropean Cubesat Symposium, Estavayer-le-Lac, Switzerland, 14-15 October 2014, p. 85.
- M. Ovchinnikov, R. Roldugin, S. Tkachev, S. Karpenko. New one-axis magnetic attitude control in absence of magnetometer readings // 65th IAC, Toronto, Canada, 29 sep-3 oct 2014. Paper IAC-14-C1.3.1, 9p.
- D. Ivanov, S. Shestakov, M. Ovchinnikov. Orbital Dynamics of Formation Flying Under Mass-Exchange Novel Control // 65th IAC, Toronto, Canada, 29 sep-3 oct 2014. Paper IAC-14-C1.5.6, 9p.
- D. Ivanov, N. Ivlev, S. Karpenko, M.Ovchinnikov.Advanced Technique for Kalman Filter Adjustment and Its Implementation Onboard of "TableSat" Microsatellite Series/ 2nd IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, 24-26 March, 2014, Roma, Italy. Paper IAA-AAS-DyCoSS2-14-10-05.
- Active Magnetic Attitude Control System Providing Three-axis Inertial Attitude/2nd IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, 24-26 March, 2014, Roma, Italy. Paper IAA-AAS-DyCoSS2-14-04-03.
- Thruster Failure Recovery Strategies for Libration Point Missions/2nd IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, 24-26 March, 2014, Roma, Italy. Paper IAA-AAS-DyCoSS2-14-12-07.
- M.Shirobokov, S.Trofimov, M.Ovchinnikov, Method of Virtual Trajectories for the Preliminary Design of Multiple Gravity Assist Interplanetary Trajectories, Paper IAC-13.C1.4.1 at the 64rd International Astronautical Congress, Beijing, China, 23-27 Sept, 2013, 10p.
- S.Trofimov, M.Ovchinnikov, Optimal Low Thrust Deorbiting of Passively Stabilized LEO Satellites, Paper IAC-13-C1.6.4 at the 64rd International Astronautical Congress, Beijing, China, 23-27 Sept, 2013, 10p.
- I.V. Belokonov, I.V. Glukhova, D.S. Ivanov, A.V. Kramlikh, M.Yu. Ovchinnikov, I.A. Timbai, Choice of Project Parameters of the Aerostabilized Nanosatellite for Thermosphere Exploration within QB50 Project, Paper at the 5th European CubeSat Symposium, 3-5 June, 2013, Brussels, Belgium
- М.Ю.Овчинников, Д.С.Иванов, Н.А.Ивлев, С.О.Карпенко, Д.С.Ролдугин, С.С.Ткачев. Опыт разработки и эксплуатации системы ориентации микроспутника "Чибис-М". Перспективы модернизации/ Сборник тезисов докладов международного совещания «Первые результаты проекта "Чибис-М"», г. Таруса, 13-15 февраля, 2013, с 14-16.
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, S.P.Trofimov, Propellantless deorbiting of small satellites: techniques and perspectives // Digest of the 9th IAA Symposium “Small satellites for Earth observation”, Berlin, 8-12th April, 2013, pp. 507-510, IAA-B9-1406.
- M.Ovchinnikov, D.Ivanov, N.Ivlev, S.Karpenko, D. Roldugin, S.Tkachev. "Chibis-M" Microsatellite ACS Development, Complex Investigation, Laboratory and Flight Testing/ Digest of papers for 9th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, 8-12 April, 2013, Berlin, IAA-B9-1216P, p. 441-444.
- D.Ivanov, M.Ovchinnikov, M.Sakovich, S.Karpenko, Investigation of the Formation Flying Relative Position and Attitude Determination Algorithm Using Image Processing,Paper IWSCFF-2013-06-05 at the 7th International Workshop on Satellite Constellations and Formation Flying, 13-15 March, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal
- D. Ivanov, S. Shestakov. Investigation of the Possibility of Formation Flying Control by Mass Exchange/ 7th International Workshop on Satellite Constellations and Formation Flying, 13-15 March, 2013, Lisbon, Portugal. Paper IWSCFF-2013-05-10.
- M. Ovchinnikov, Attitude Control Systems for Cubesats. Approaches and Methodology, Invited lecture at the 2nd IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions and Cubesat Workshop, 4th-9th FEBRUARY, 2013, “Villa Spada” Centro Logistico, Della Guardia di Finanza, Roma, Italy
- D. Roldugin, M. Ovchinnikov, V. Penkov, Three-axis magnetic attitude control asymptotic study, Paper IAA-CU-13-05-03, at the 2nd IAA Conference on University Satellite Missions and Cubesat Workshop, 4th-9th FEBRUARY, 2013, “Villa Spada” Centro Logistico, Della Guardia di Finanza, Roma, Italy
- Д.С.Иванов, Д.С. Ролдугин, С.С.Ткачев, С.О. Карпенко, Н.А.Ивлев, М.Ю.Овчинников. Летные испытания алгоритмов управления ориентацией микроспутника "Чибис-М". Доклад на Третьей Всероссийской научно–технической конференции «Современные проблемы ориентации и навигации космических аппаратов». 10 – 13 cентября 2012г., г.Таруса Калужской области, 12с.
- Д.С. Иванов, М.А. Сакович, С.О. Карпенко, М.Ю. Овчинников. Определение относительного движения спутников при их разделении по результатам обработки видеоизображения. Доклад на Третьей Всероссийской научно–технической конференции «Современные проблемы ориентации и навигации космических аппаратов». 10 – 13 cентября 2012г., г.Таруса Калужской области, 12с.
- М.Ю. Овчинников, Д.С. Иванов, Д.С. Ролдугин, С.С. Ткачев, С.О. Карпенко. Разработка рекомендаций по управлению ориентацией микроспутника «Чибис-М» в случае отказа части исполнительных органов. Доклад на Третьей Всероссийской научно–технической конференции «Современные проблемы ориентации и навигации космических аппаратов». 10 – 13 cентября 2012г., г.Таруса Калужской области, 12с.
- M.Yu. Ovchinnikov, D. Ivanov, N. Ivlev, S. Karpenko, D. Roldugin, S. Tkachev, Development, complex investigation, laboratory and flight testing of the magneto-gyroscopic ACS for the microsatellite, Paper IAC-12-C1.9.12 at the 63rd International Astronautical Congress, Napoli, Italy, 1-5 Oct, 2012, 15p.
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, Attitude Dynamics of a Small-Sized Satellite Equipped with Hysteresis Damper, Paper IAA-AAS-DyCoSS1-04-03 at 1st IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, Porto, Portugal, March 19-21, 2012, 20p.
- D.S.Roldugin, and P.Testani, Active magnetic attitude control system for sun-pointing of a spin-stabilized satellite without initial detumbling, Paper at the 1st IAA Conference on Dynamics and Control of Space Systems, 19-21 March, 2012, Porto, Portugal, 20p.
- D.S. Ivanov, S.P. Trofimov. Development and Laboratory Verification of Formation Flying Autonomous Navigation and Control Algorithms Used Observing Camera// Материалы VI международной летней научной школы "Компьютерные технологии анализа инженерных проблем механики - 2012", Изд-во Моск. ун-та, 2012, стр. 83-95.
- M.Ovchinnikov, V.Pen’kov, D. Roldugin, Analytical study of a three-stage magnetic attitude control to change a single-axis orientation, Proceedings of the 62nd International Astronautical Congress, Cape-Town, South Africa, 3-7 Oct, 2011, Curran Associates, Inc. Publ., 2012, Vol.6, pp.5029-5039.
- М.Ю.Овчинников. Динамика и управление перспективными многоэлементными орбитальными системами. Доклад на X Всероссийском съезде по фундаментальным проблемам теоретической и прикладной механики, Н.Новогород, 24-30 августа 2011 г.
- M.Ovchinnikov, I.Zaramenskikh, S.Trofimov, Single-Input Control in Formation of Small Satellites Aligned with Geomagnetic Field Induction Vector, Digest of the 8th International Symposium of IAA “Small Satellites for Earth Observation”, 4-8 April, 2011, Berlin, Germany, Walter De Gruyter Publ., Paper IAA-B8-1302, pp.139-142.
- D. S. Ivanov, M. Yu.Ovchinnikov, S. S. Tkachev. Ballon payload attitude control system// Proceedings of the 1st IAA Conference on University Satellites Missions and CubeSat Winter Workshop, 24-29th January, 2011, Roma, Italy, IAA-CU-11-04-02, p.84.
- M. Yu. Ovchinnikov, D. S. Ivanov, S.S. Tkachev, S.S. Roldugin, S.O. Karpenko. simulation and laboratory testing of microsatellite ‘Chibis_M’ attitude control system// Proceedings of the 1st IAA Conference on University Satellites Missions and CubeSat Winter Workshop, 24-29th January, 2011, Roma, Italy, IAA-CU-11-04-06, p.88.
- D.S. Ivanov, M.Y. Ovchinnikov. Overview of attitude control systems for CubeSats// Proceedings of the 1st IAA Conference on University Satellites Missions and CubeSat Winter Workshop, 24-29th January, 2011, Roma, Italy, IAA-CU-11-W6-03, p.503-514.
- Н.А.Ивлев, В.С.Савельев, М.Ю.Овчинников, Д.С.Иванов, С.С. Ткачев. Моделирование и полунатурные испытания систем ориентации микроспутников на лабораторном стенде/ Сборник трудов международной молодежной конференции, посвященной 50-летию первого полета человека в космос "Королевские чтения", Самара, 4-6 октября, 2011, с. 47.
- I.Zaramenskikh, M.Ovchinnikov, Hao-Chi Chang, S.Trofimov, Formation Flying Reconfiguration by a Single-Input Control, Paper at 6th International Workshop on Satellite Constellation and Formation Flying, Taipei, Taiwan, 1-3 November, 2010, 10p.
- A.Baranov, A.Prado, M.Ovchinnikov, A.Baranov, Using of Constant Low Thrust for Deployment and Maintenance of Satellite Constellation, Paper at 6th International Workshop on Satellite Constellation and Formation Flying, Taipei, Taiwan, 1-3 November, 2010, 10p.
- M.Ovchinnikov, D.Bindel, G.Smirnov, D.Ivanov, S.Theil, I.Zaramenskikh, Development and Laboratory Verification of Control Algorithms for Formation Flying Configuration with a Single-Input Impulsive Control, Proceedings of the 60th International Astronautical Congress, Daejeon, Republic of Korea 12 – 16 October, 2009, Paper IAC-09.C1.4.8, Vol.6, pp. 4654-4663.
- D.Pavarin, F.Ferri, M.Manente, D.Rondini, D.Curreli, Y. Guclu, D.Melazzi, S.Suman, E.Lorenzini, G.Bianchini, D.Packan, P.Elias J.Bonnet, F.Graziani, F.Santoni, M.Battagliere, A.Tuccillo, F.Mirizzi, Y.Protsan, A.Loyan, I. Rybalchenko, E.Ahedo, F.Piergentili, M.Ovchinnikov, G. Markelov, P.Montaland, T. Hansen, P.van Put, A. Selmo K. Katsonis, M.Pessana “Helicon Plasma Hydrazine.Combined Micro” for AIDAA 2009 XX Congresso Nazionale dell’Associazione Italiana di Aeronautica e Astronautica, Milano, Italia, 29 giugno - 3 luglio 2009,
- D.Pavarin, F.Ferri, M.Manente, D.Rondini, D.Curreli, Y.Guclu, D.Melazzi, S.Suman, E.Lorenzini, G.Bianchini, D.Packan, P.Elias J.Bonnet, F.Graziani, F.Santoni, M.Battagliere, A.Tuccillo, F.Mirizzi, Y.Protsan, A.Loyan, I. Rybalchenko, E.Ahedo, F.Piergentili, M.Ovchinnikov, G. Markelov, P.Montaland, T. Hansen, P.van Put, A. Selmo K. Katsonis, M.Pessana “Helicon Plasma Hydrazine.Combined Micro” for EUCASS 2009 3rd European Conference for Aero-Space Science, Versailles, Paris, France, July 6-9th, 2009
- D.Bindel, O.Khromov, M.Ovchinnikov, B.Rievers, N.J.Rodrigues, A.Selivanov, German Russian Education Satellite - Mission outline and objectives, Digest of the 7th International Symposium of IAA “Small Satellites for Earth Observation”, 4-8 May, 2009, Berlin, Germany, Walter De Gruyter Publ., Paper IAA-B7-0228P, pp.123-126.
- D. Ivanov, Z. Ming, T.
Walter, I. Zaramenskikh. Laboratory Facility for Simulation and Verification of
Formation Motion Control Algorithms Digest of the 7th International Symposium of IAA “Small Satellites for Earth Observation”, 4-8 May, 2009, Berlin, Germany, Walter De Gruyter Publ., Paper IAA-B7-0228P, pp.267-278.
- Gabriella V.M. Gaias, Michele R. Lavagna, Alexei R. Golikov, Michael Yu. Ovchinnikov, Formation Flying: Relative Orbits’ Modelling and Control through Eulerian Orbital Elements, Proceedings of the 19th AIAA/AAS Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, AAS 09-186, Savannah, GA, Feb. 9-12, 2009, 13p.
- M.L.Battagliere, F.Santoni, M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, F.Graziani, Hysteresis Rods in the Passive Magnetic Stabilization System for University Micro and Nanosatellites, Paper IAC-08-C.1.8 at the 59th Congress IAF, 29 Sept.-3 Oct., 2008, Glasgow, UK, Vol.8, pp.5203-5212. http://toc.proceedings.com/17524webtoc.pdf
- I.Zaramenskikh, M.Ovchinnikov, I.Ritus, Nullifying feasibility of Slow Gravitational Perturbation Effect on the Formation Flying Configuration. Paper on 5th IAA Workshop on Constellations and Formation Flying, Evpatoria, 1-4 July, 2008, 16p.
- M.Ovchinnikov, S.Karpenko, N.Kupriyanova, V.Pen’kov, Choice of Magnetic Attitude Control System for Nanosatellites, Proceedings of the 58th Congress IAF, 24-28 Sept., 2007, Hyderabad, India, Paper IAC-07-C1.8.02, Vol.7, pp. 4650-4659.
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, S.O.Karpenko, A.S.Serednitskiy, S.S.Tkachev, N.V.Kupriyanova, Laboratory Facility for Attitude Control System Validation and Testing, Digest of the 6th International Symposium of IAA “Small Satellites for Earth Observation”, 23-26 April, 2007, Berlin, Germany, Walter De Gruyter Publ., Paper IAA-B6-0508P, pp.137-140
- М.Ю.Овчинников, А.С.Селиванов, А.А.Ильин, В.И.Пеньков, Н.В.Куприянова. Анализ результатов летных испытаний магнитной системы ориентации первого российского наноспутника ТНС-0. Аннотации докладов на IVНаучно-практической конференции “Микротехнологии в авиации и космонавтике”, Москва, 11-13 октября, 2006, 1с.
- M.Ovchinnikov, A.Ilyin, N.Kupriyanova, V.Penkov, A.Selivanov, Attitude Dynamics of the First Russian Nanosatellite TNS-0, Paper IAC-06-C1.1.6 at the 57th Congress IAF, 2-6 Oct., 2006, Valencia, Spain, 10p.
- F.Graziani, M.Ovchinnikov, A.Ovchinnikov, F.Santoni, F.Piergentili, F.Bulgarelli, M.Sgubini, M.L.Battagliere, M.Ronzitti, M.Agostinelli, HypSat Program, Paper IAC-06-B5.4.06 at the 57th Congress IAF, 2-6 Oct., 2006, Valencia, Spain, 10p.
- А.А.Ильин, Н.В.Куприянова, М.Ю.Овчинников, В.И.Пеньков, А.С.Селиванов. Динамика быстро вращающегося наноспутника ТНС-0 с магнитной системой ориентации. Аннотации докладов IX Всероссийского съезда по теоретической и прикладной механике. Нижний Новгород, изд-во Нижегородского университета им. Н.И.Лобачевского, том 1, 2006, с.60.
- А. Белов, Д.В. Воронцов, А.П. Калинин, М.Ю. Овчинников, А.Г. Орлов, А.И. Родионов, И.Д. Родионов. Проект космического гиперспектрометра, предназначенного для малого космического аппарата. Выездной семинар. Космическое приборостроение. Координатно-временные системы с использованием космических технологий приборы для космических исследований планет и Земли. Тезисы докладов. Таруса, 7–9 июня 2006 года, М: ИКИ РАН, 2006, с.29-30.
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, V.I.Penkov, A.A.Ilyin and A.S.Selivanov, Magnetic Attitude Control Systems the Nanosatellite Series, Selected Proceedings of 5th International Symposium of IAA “Small Satellites for Earth Observation”, 4-8 April, 2005, Berlin, Germany, Walter De Gruyter Publ., pp.337-344,
- A.D.Guerman, M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, V.I.Pen'kov, S.A.Mirer, V.D.Shargorodsky, Passive Attitude Control System for Nano-Satellite REFLECTOR, AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, Lake Tahoe, California, August 7-11, 2005, paper AAS 05–330
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, V.I.Penkov, A.A.Ilyin and A.S.Selivanov, Magnetic Attitude Control Systems the Nanosatellite Series,Extended Abstracts for 5th International Symposium of IAA “Small Satellites for Earth Observation”, 4-8 April, 2005, Berlin, Germany, Paper IAA-B5-1201,4p.
- G.Rufino, M.Grassi, A.Perrotta, A.Degtyarev, M.Ovchinnikov and C.Guadagno. Single-Shot Multiple-Measurement Sun-Line Determination by an APS-Based Sun Sensor. Paper the 55th Congress IAF, 4-8 Oct., 2004, Vancouver, Canada, 10p.
- A.Ilyin, M.Ovchinnikov, V.Penkov and A.Selivanov, Magnetic Attitude Control System for the Russian Nano-Satellite TNS-1, Paper IAC-04-A.3.10 at the 55th Congress IAF, 4-8 Oct., 2004, Vancouver, Canada, 10p.
- M.Ovchinnikov, V.Pen'kov, I.Kiryushkin, R.Nemuchinsky, A.Ilyin, N.Tretyakova. Lessons Learned in the Development, Building and Usage of a Magnetic Attitude Control System for Small Satellites. Proceedings of 17th International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, 16-20 June, 2003, Moscow, Russia, KIAM RAS & KIA Systems Publ., V.2, pp.241-249
- L.Makridenko, R.Salikhov, M.Ovchinnikov, N.Khrenov, S.Montenegro, P.Behr, S.Pletner, I.Rodionov, Mono-Photon Technology Based Hyperspectral Systems for Remote Sensing in Russia, Digest of the 4th International Symposium of IAA “Small Satellites for Earth Observation”, 7-11 April, 2003, Berlin, Germany, pp.141-144
- R.Nemuchinsky, M.Ovchinnikov, N.Parkhomenko, N.Tretjakova, Determination of Attitude Motion of the Nanosatellite REFLECTOR Using orbital Tracking Data Obtained by the Laser Telescope, Digest of the 4th International Symposium of IAA “Small Satellites for Earth Observation”, 7-11 April, 2003, Berlin, Germany, pp.329-332
- Ф.Грациани, И.Икбал, И.Ю.Кирюшкин, С.А.Мирер, Р.Б.Немучинский, У.Норберг, М.Ю.Овчинников, В.И.Пеньков,Г.В.Смирнов, В.Д.Шаргородский. Методы ориентации малых спутников с использованием геомагнитного поля.Сборник аннотаций докладов на Восьмом Всероссийском съезде по теоретической и прикладной механике 23-29 августа, 2001г., Пермь, с.203
- E.Dedikov, N.Khrenov, V.Lukjaschenko, R.Salikhov, A.Ponomarev, M.Ovchinnikov, I.Rodionov, Russian Hyperspectral Small Satellite for the Gas Pipelines Monitoring, Digest of the 3rd International Symposium of IAA “Small Satellites for Earth Observation”, 2-6 April, 2001, Berlin, Germany, IAA-B3-0801, pp.235-239
- I.Kirjushkin, M.Ovchinnikov, Satellite Attitude Determination and Navigation by Data Analysis, Paper IAF-00-W1.05 at the 51st Congress IAF, 2-6 Oct., 2000, Rio-de Janejro, Brasil, p.10
- M.Ovchinnikov, V.Pen'kov, I.Kirjushkin, O.Norberg, S.Barabash, Nano-satellite MUNIN as a Simple Tool for Astrophysical Research, Paper at the 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Warsaw, Poland, 16-23 July, 2000, 10p.,
- M.Ovchinnikov, V.Pen'kov, R.Nemuchinskiy, Nano-satellite REFLECTOR for Optical Calibrations: Attitude Control and Determination Aspects, Paper the 33rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, Warsaw, Poland, 16-23 July, 2000, 10p.
- I.Kirjushkin, Ovchinnikov, Image Processing Algorithm for MUNIN Attitude Determination, Abstract to the US/European Celestial Mechanics Workshop, Poznan, 2-8 May, 2000
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, V. Pen´kov, O. Norberg, S. Barabash, Attitude Control System for a First Swedish Nanosatellite MUNIN, Extended Abstracts for 2nd International Symposium of IAA “Small Satellites for Earth Observation”, 12-16 April, 1999, Berlin, Germany, pp.263-267
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, Methods to Control the Attitude Motion of a Satellite by the Earth’s Magnetic Field Usage, Proceedings of the Euro-Asian Space Week on Cooperation in Space – “Where East & West Finally Meet”, 23-27 November, 1998, Singapore, ESA SP-430, February 1999, pp.475-483)
(http://articles.adsabs.harvard.edu/cgi-bin/nph-iarticle_query?bibcode=1999ESASP.430..475O&db_key=AST&page_ind=0&data_type=GIF&type=SCREEN_VIEW&classic=YES); - М.Ю.Овчинников, Ю.В.Борисова, Использование простых моделей гистерезиса для анализа динамики и выбора параметров гравитационной системы ориентации, Международная конференция “Математика в индустрии”, 29 июня –3 июля, 1998, Таганрог, Россия, Изд-во Таганрогского педагогического института, Таганрог, 1998, 248
- I.D.Rodionov, M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, Optical Tomograph of the Universe, Proceedings of the Second IAA Symp. on Realistic Near-Term Advanced Scientific Space Missions, 29th June – 1st July, 1998, Aosta, Italy, Levrotto & Bella, pp.169-171
- V.V.Alexandrov, M.Yu.Ovchinnikov et al., A Computer-Based System for On-Ground Testing the Attitude Control System for Small Satellite and Valuating its Quality, Paper at the 48th Congress IAF, 6-10 Oct., 1997, Torino, Italy, № IAA-97-IAA.11.2.08, 8p.
- M.Merkulov, A.Zajtsev, V.Fateev, M.Ovchinnikov, The Concept of Small Satellite for Education and Scientific Purposes, Paper on 2nd Aerospace Congress, 31 August – 5 September, 1997, Moscow, Russia, 4p.
- I.Rodionov, M. Ovchinnikov, I. Rodionova, The Microstellite for Remote Exploration of the Environment, Proceedings of the SPIE’s 42nd International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation, 27 July – 1 August, 1997, Denver, Colorado, USA, 5p.
- M.Yu. Ovchinnikov, A.I. Dyachenko, Gravity-Gradient ACS for a Satellite on a High Elliptical Orbits, Proceedings of International Conference on Satellite Communication, 23-27 September, 1996, Moscow, Russia, 8p.
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, Small Satellite Projects in Russia. Proceedings of International Conference on Small Satellites: Missions and Technology, 9-13 September, 1996, Madrid,Spain, 8p.
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, Methods for a Small Satellite Autonomous Orientation on a High Eccentric Orbit. Paper IAA-96-IAA.11.2.02 at the 47th Congress IAF, 7-11 Oct., 1996, Beijing, China, 8p.
- I.D. Rodionov, M.Yu. Ovchinnikov, The Remote Sounding of Long-Distance Objects in Regime of Separate Photons Accounting. Proceedings of First IAA Symp. on Realistic Near-Term Advanced Scientific Space Missions, 25-27 June, 1996, Turin, Italy, 9p.
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, The Simple Methods of a Small Satellite Orientation. Paper IAA-95-IAA.11.2.06 at the 46th Congress IAF, 2-6 Oct., 1995, Oslo, Norway, 7p.
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, A.I. Dyachenko, Passive and Semipassive Orientation Methods for a Satellite Moving at High Elliptical Orbit, Proceedings of International Symposium on “Spaceflight Dynamics”, 19-23 June, 1995, Toulouse, France, pp.593-604
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, Modern Small Satellite Projects, Proceedings of International Conference on Satellite Communication, 18-21 October, 1994, Moscow, Russia, V.1, pp.231-238
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, Small Satellites in Russia and the World: Current State, Paper IAA-94-IAA.11.1.761 at the 45th Congress IAF, 9-14 October, 1994, Jerusalem, Israel, 9p.
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, Attitude Control System for Small Satellite, Papers at the Second International Conference on Spacecraft, Guidance, Navigation and Control Systems, 12-15 April, 1994, ESTEC, the Netherland, 10p.
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, A.I. Dyachenko, Universal Small Space Platform (USSP-1): Orientation Aspects, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on On-Ground Control and Spacecraft Dynamics, 7-11 February, 1994, San-Jose-dos-Capmos, Brazil, 5p.
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, Gravity-Gradient Attitude Control System for Small Communication Satellite. Proceedings of AAS/GSFC International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, Greenbelt, Maryland, USA, 26-30 April, 1993, v.1, N AAS-93-282, 15p.;
- Ю.Трифонов, Л.Чуркин, М.Овчинников, Н.Хомяков, М.Сергева. Универсальная космическая платформа. Universal Space Platform, Аннотации докладов на Третью международную конференцию “Бизнесмены и практическое использование космоса”, 11-13 апреля, 1993, Москва, с.42-43
- М.Овчинников, Н.Хомяков, М.Сергева. Ориентированный экспериментальный малый спутник. Аннотации докладов на Вторую международную конференцию “Бизнесмены и практическое использование космоса”, 10-11 декабря, 1992, Москва, с.27
- M.Yu.Ovchinnikov, V.I.Pen'kov, Aerodynamic Stabilization System of Small Scientific Satellite. Proceedings of the ESA International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, Darmshtadt, Germany, 30 Sept.-4 Oct., 1991, ESA SP-326, pp.347-353