1. Basics

1.1. Introducing FreeTEST
Thank you for your interest in Kirianov's Test Wizard! FreeTEST 2.0 is an editor for creating tests in HTML format (for K12 and the like purposes). Version 2.0 includes 3 basic type of tests: "select", "input" and "sort". It is possible to organize testing in two ways:
1) with a help of appropriate TestViewer applet;
2) only within browser (because of full test format compatibility with plain HTML).

Trial applet of previous 1.0 version is available to direct in-browser test. Full computer-based free installation package (supporting localized Russian version) is ready to download.
The interface of the application window is shown on fig.1.



1.2. Forms of the testing
FreeTEST 2.0 permits teacher to prepare three test forms:
- plain HTML files for remote testings;
- HTML files enhanced by Java applets for student;
- printed materials.

Consequently different forms of the testing are available (see fig.2):
- Traditional simple testing by help of printed tests. The teacher checks the student's answers manually.
- Remote control testing. The teacher prepares different variants of the test without answers attachment. The student fills down form in browser (see fig.3) and press OK button that result in sending automatically generated answers by e-mail to the teacher. The teacher process received answers using "Check Answers" plug-in (see fig.4). This plug-in is a part of FreeTEST package.
- Auto-testing of the student. Student fills down forms represented by Java applet (included in FreeTEST installation package) and his answers are checked in real time (see fig.5) by displaying corresponding marks (optionally after every answer or by answering all serious of the tests).
