FreeTEST 2.01


1. Basics

1.1. Introducing FreeTEST
1.2. Forms of the testing
1.3. Quick Toolbar reference
1.4. Information about developers

2. Installation of FreeTEST 2.01

2.1. License agreement
2.2. FreeTEST 2.01 Installation
2.3. Запуск FreeTEST Starting FreeTEST

3. Managing files with tests

3.1. Creating a new test
3.2. Saving and opening tests
3.3. File formats
3.4. Generating variants for remote testing
3.5. Printing tests
3.6. Selection of the interface languadge
3.7. Closing FreeTEST

4. Editing tests

4.1. Test types
4.2. Structure of the test file
4.3. Creating a new test page
4.4. Removing test page
4.5. Editing test "Select"
4.6. Editing test "Input"
4.7. Editing test "Sort"
4.8. Adding a picture to the test page
4.9. Previewing tests

5. Organizing a testing

5.1. Testing by means of TestViewer Java applet
5.2. Testing only within browser
5.3. Checking answers while remote testing