Space Systems Dynamics

Orbital and attitude dynamics and control

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KIAM Astrodynamics Day

American guests in front of the map with visibility zones marked for several ground facilities for the Soyuz-Appolo test flight
(1975) in the Keldysh memorial cabinet

A lecture of Prof. Scheeres on the orbital dynamics in the vicinity of asteroids and other small bodies opens the workshop

Prof. Howell is giving a lecture about the safe escape and reliable disposal from
near rectilinear halo orbits (NRHOs)

With Alexander Aptekarev, the KIAM director, and Prof. Ovchinnikov near the working table of Keldysh in the Keldysh memorial museum and cabinet.

July 1, 2019

On June 28, two celebrated astrodynamicists – Prof. Kathleen Howell (Purdue University, USA) and Prof. Daniel Scheeres (University of Colorado at Boulder, USA) – visited KIAM by invitation of Prof. Ovchinnikov. They did not only give invited lectures but also learned about the ongoing research on similar topics at KIAM and visited the Keldysh memorial museum and cabinet. In dedication to the workshop named KIAM Astrodynamics Day, a colorful poster has been designed and printed. Apart from local researchers, many Russian specialists have been invited from Russian Space Corporation Energia, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Higher School of Economics, and MAI Research Institute of Applied Mechanics and Electrodynamics.

Two mini-sessions, Strongly Perturbed Orbital Dynamics and Multi-Body and Coupled Dynamics, have been opened by the lectures of the American guests.

Daniel Scheeres
Orbital Dynamics Around Asteroids

Kathleen Howell
Escape and Disposal from Near Rectilinear Halo Orbits

After each 30-minute lecture, two short talks were given by KIAM specialists on current studies related to a session topic.

Vladislav Sidorenko
Quasi-Satellite Orbit as a Resonant Phenomenon

Anastasia Tselousova
Station-Keeping in an Unstable High Near-Circular Lunar Orbit

Stepan Tkachev
Coupled Dynamics in a Formation of Satellites with Variable-Reflectivity Solar Sails

Sergey Trofimov
Optimal Design of Multi-Spacecraft Formations in Lissajous Orbits