News of our group
3th October 2016 |
All-Russian Meeting of chairpersons and professors of theoretical mechanics, |
From the 26th to the 30th September the city of Makhachkala, in the Republic of Dagestan, Russia, hosted the 7th All-Russian Meeting of chairpersons and professors of theoretical mechanics, robotics, mechatronics by the universities of Russia. Our group and the Department of mathematical modelling and applied mathematics of MIPT was represented by Prof. Mikhail Ovchinnikov. Details... |
15th September 2016 |
Success at the contest by the Ministry of Education and Science |
A project by our group has won the contest for the initiatives aimed at applied research and experimental development in priority areas of science and technology. The project “Methods and facilities for laboratory verification of algorithms of orbital and angular motion for next-generation spacecrafts” will be realized in cooperation with our industrial partner the Sputnix Ltd. Details... |
12th September 2016 |
On September 10 the city of Kubinka, in the Moscow region, hosted the International Military-Technical Forum “Army 2016”. The event included the 4th Applied-science conference “Challenges and long-term prospects for the development of information space systems” and a general meeting of the participants of the Technological Platform “National Information Space System". Details... |
7th September 2016 |
From the 5th to the 7th September the city of Tarusa hosted the 5th All-Russian scientific and technical Conference “Current issues in spacecraft attitude and navigation” managed by the Space Research Institute of RAS (IKI RAS). Our group has given several talks at the section “Spacecraft attitude and navigation systems”. Details... |
5th September 2016 |
Dr. Sergey Trofimov has met with Alexander Shaenko, the manager of the small satellite “Mayak” project, at Moscow Polytechnic University on September 3. At the meeting Alexander has presented the satellite concept and development. This is a 3U cubesat with a sail construction which receives a pyramidal form while opening. Details... |
25th August 2016 |
Our group has recently presented the tutorials: Introduction to spaceflight dynamics (by Prof. Mikhail Ovchinnikov), published by the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) and Numerical simulation of orbital and angular motion of spacecrafts (by Drs. Danil Ivanov, Sergey Trofimov and Maxim Shirobokov, under general edition by Prof. Mikhail Ovchinnikov), published by Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics (KIAM). Details... |
20th July 2016 |
In July the Educational Center Sirius for gifted children hosted the project-oriented session "Adapt space for human". Members of our team gave a course of lectures on spaceflight dynamics for schoolchildren and consulted them on control algorithms realization. Details... |
18th July 2016 |
Our team participated in the International Summer School "Computer Technologies of Engineering Mechanical Problems" which took place in the Institute of Mechanics of the Lomonosov Moscow State University. Nikolay Proshunin and Mikhail Koptev gave the invited lectures. Details... |
28th June 2016 |
On 28 June our bachelor students Yuliana Naumkina and Dmitriy Sizov have successfully defended their theses. Also, earlier on 17 June Mikhail Koptev has defended his thesis at the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Details... |
27th June 2016 |
Dr. Stepan Tkachev gave a lecture at the Summer Space School in the Moscow State University of Mechanical Engineering on 27th of June. The school organized by space enthusiasts included popular science lectures, meetings with cosmonauts and astronauts, private space entrepreneurs and space engineers. Details... |
5th June 2016 |
The International Workshop on Satellite and Space Missions: Developments and Applications took place in Cairo, Egypt on June, 4-5. Prof. Michael Ovchinnikov gave an invited lecture “Attitude system design: balancing real satellite and analysis complexity”. Details... |
28th April 2016 |
The Moscow Government stand at the international fair trade Hannover Messe 2016 hosted a workshop of the young scientists who won the prizes of the Moscow Department of Science, Industrial Policy and Enterpreneurship earlier this year. At the workshop Dr. Danil Ivanov has given a talk about the work of our team. Details... |
12th April 2016 |
On Cosmonautics Day celebrated on April, 12th our group held a meeting with the students of the Faculty of Control and Applied Mathematics of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT). Dr. Stepan Tkachev presented the Chair of Mathematical Simulation and Applied Mathematics to the second-year students. Details... |
18th March 2016 |
10th International Workshop and Advanced School “Spaceflight Dynamics and Control” |
Our team presented a number of invited papers at the 10th International Workshop and Advanced School “Spaceflight Dynamics and Control” hosted on March 16-18, 2016, by the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Beira Interior in Covilhã, Portugal. Details... |
3rd March 2016 |
The II Latin American IAA Cubesat Workshop took place in Florianopolis, Brasil. Prof. Mikhail Ovchinnikov presented an invited paper on the prospects of solar sails use in the near-earth orbits. Details... |
18th February 2016 |
The 26th AAS/AIAA Space Flight Mechanics Meeting took place in Napa (California, USA). Dr. Sergey Trofimov presented a paper at the section “Trajectory Optimization”. Details... |
16th February 2016 |
Nano and microsatellites session of the RAS Space Council division on Sun-Earth relationships |
The second meeting of the Nano and microsatellites session Space Council division on Sun-Earth relationships (by the Russian Academy of Sciences) took place in the Space Research Institute during the 11th Conference on Plasma Physics. Maxim Shirobokov and Yaroslav Mashtakov presented the surveys on relevant problems of attitude control. Details... |
8th February 2016 |
Congratulations to Drs. Stepan Tkachev, Danil Ivanov and Dmitriy Roldugin on gaining the 2015 Moscow Government prize for young scientists! Our specialists have won in the category “Mathematics, mechanics and informatics” for the series of papers “New approaches to attitude control of modern Russian spacecrafts”.Details... |
29th January 2016 |
The XL Academic Conference on Astronautics took place in Moscow from the 26th to the 29th of January. The members of our team presented their papers at the sections “Applied celestial mechanics and motion control” and “Automatic spacecrafts for planetary and astrophysics research”. Details... |
31st December 2015 |
Dear collegues! |
29th December 2015 |
Congratulations to our winners of the annual RFBR Competition! |
As a result of the competition of the Russian Foundation of Basic Research initiative projects three applications from our team got support from the Foundation. Details... |
18th December 2015 |
The inauguration of the Laboratory Facility for Formation Flying Simulation took place on 18th of December in the Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics. The facility was designed and commissioned by the SputniX Ltd. Before this event, the Laboratory was visited by the First Deputy Director of the Federal Agency for Scientific Organizations A.M. Medvedev. Details... |
7th December 2015 |
The 3rd IAA Conference on University Satellite Mission, Cubesat Workshop and International Workshop on Lean Satellite Standardization took place in the beginning of December in Rome, Italy. Mikhail Ovchinnikov and Dmitry Roldugin have taken part in it. Details... |
16th October 2015 |
The 66th International Astronautical Congress took place on 12–16 October in Jerusalem, Israel. Two papers of our group have been presented at the Astrodynamics symposium of the congress. Details... |
31st August 2015 |
The 12th International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS 2015 was held in Zhukovsky district (Moscow region) on 24–30 August. Dr. Danil Ivanov has visited the salon and discussed collaboration with our partners from space industry. Details... |
24th August 2015 |
The XI All-Russian congress on Basic Problems of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics took place in Kazan on 19–24 August. Our team has presented several papers at symposium on spaceflight mechanics co-chaired by Prof. Michael Ovchinnikov and secretaried by Dr. Stepan Tkachev. |
14th August 2015 |
Astrodynamics Specialist Conference |
Sergey Trofimov has taken part in the 2015 AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, held in Veil, Colorado, US. The conference is organized by American Astronautical Sosiety (AAS) and American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA). |
14th July 2015 |
Survey of Papers at Conferences in Berlin and Delft |
Sergey Shestakov and Yaroslav Mashtakov have surveyed the papers presented by our group at the 8th International Workshop on Satellite Constellations and Formation Flying (held in Delft) and the 10th International Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation (held in Berlin) at the division seminar. |
8th July 2015 |
International Summer School at the Institute of Mechanics of Lomonosov MSU |
Our group has taken part in the International summer school Computer Technologies of Engineering Mechanical Problems at the Institute of Mechanics of Lomonosov MSU. Dr. Dmitriy Roldugin, Dr. Stepan Tkachev, Sergey Shestakov, Yaroslav Mashtakov, Maxim Kushniruk have given talks as guest speakers. |
11th June 2015 |
8th International Workshop on Satellite Constellations and Formation Flying |
From the 8th to the 11th of June Delft University of Technology (Netherlands) hosted the 8th International Workshop on Satellite Constellations and Formation Flying. Scientists from 18 countries have given over 50 talks. The Keldysh Institute was represented by Sergey Shestakov, Dr. Danil Ivanov and Prof. Mikhail Ovchinnikov. |
4th June 2015 |
Russian Symposium on Nanosatellites |
Our group has contributed to the first Russian symposium with international participation RusNanoSat-2015. The event took place in the Samara State Aerospace University from the 2nd to the 4th of June. |
25th May 2015 |
Academic Competition on Mechanics and Mathematical Simulation |
The Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) hosted the International Academic Competition on Mechanics and Mathematical Simulation from the 15th to the 22nd of May. The contest attracted students of engineering universities and postgraduate students majoring in mathematics, engineering and science. Dr. Danil Ivanov and Sergey Shestakov have taken part in problem writing and evaluation of results. |
Credit: DLR
24th April 2015 |
Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation |
The 10th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation of International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) took place in Berlin from the 20th to the 24th of April. Dr. Dmitriy Roldugin and Yaroslav Mashtakov have given talks on sliding mode control for three-axis magnetic attitude and angular motion synthesis for remote sensing satellite. |
13th April 2015 |
Leading Youth Team |
The project “Algorithms of precision orientation of small satellites with scarce measurement information” led by Dr. Dmitriy Roldugin has won at the competition of youth research projects held by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research. |
2nd April 2015 |
Dual-spin satellite angular motion |
A preprint entitled "Dual-spin satellite angular motion in magnetic and gravitational fields" is now available. In this paper dual-spin satellite equipped with a flywheel having high angular rate and/or mass is considered. |
26th February 2015 |
IAF Spring Meeting |
Spring meetings of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), meetings of the International Astronautical Academy (IAF) and the International Programme Committee of the 66th International Astronautical Congress took place in Paris from the 23rd to the 26th March, 2015. |
16th February 2015 |
Scholarship of the RF President
for young scientists and graduate students |
The members of our team became the winners of the contest for the scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists and graduate students. Congratulations to S.Tkachev, D Roldugin, D Ivanov and S.Trofimov! |
28th January 2015 |
Academic Conference on Astronautics |
Our team took part in the section “Applied celestial mechanics and motion control” within XXXIX Academic Conference on Astronautics. The meeting was held on 28 January in Bauman MSTU. |