Space Systems Dynamics

Orbital and attitude dynamics and control

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News of our department

News of our group for 201520162017, 2018, 2019, 2020 years

August 13, 2021

2021 Astrodynamics Specialist Conference

Just as in the last year, the prestigious Astrodynamics Specialist Conference went online. Just as in the last year, our PhD student Anastasia Tselousova presented a geometric approach to the design of low-energy transfers to the Moon. However, this time she considered the more complicated case when a trajectory includes an outbound lunar flyby. Details...

April 13, 2021

Artificial Intelligence Forum at MIPT

At the educational forum on mathematics and artificial intelligence, hosted these days by the MIPT as a part of the "I am professional" student olympiad, Maksim Shirobokov gave an invited lecture called "Machine learning in space systems." On April 12, the Cosmonautics Day, he talked about the applications and near-future perspectives of machine learning in space flight mechanics problems, as well as about the history of KIAM and its role in space exploration.

April 2, 2021

Academic Readings on Cosmonautics

XLV Korolev Academic Readings on Cosmonautics have been held unusually late this year: from March 30 to April 2. A two-day session of Applied Celestial Mechanics and Motion Control hosted more than 40 speakers. The first three
talks celebrated the 100th anniversary of Dmitry Evgenievich Okhotsimsky, an academician who was a long-time chair of the session. 12 presentations have been given by the researchers and students of our team or by our partnering co-authors. Details...

January 8, 2021

Vasily Sarychev celebrates 90th birthday!

Professor, Doctor of Sciences, International Academy of Astronautics member, a founder of a research school in space flight dynamics and control. These are the major milestones of the extremely prolific career of the Jubilarian. We wish Vasily Andreevich a good health, long and wealthy life, and many new scientific achievements!